3D Realms drops a Bombshell
After it was announced with a short trailer last year, Bombshell copped a lot of (well deserved) flak when the protagonist was revealed to be a scantily clad lass with a big gun. Many shrugged and thought that it was just further proof that 3D Realms was stuck in the misogynistic 90’s and hadn’t progressed from the low brow approach they used when creating hits like Duke Nukem.
It seems though that they have take these comments on board as there has been quite a drastic change to the lead character. No longer does Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison look like she belongs draped over a cannon on the cover of “Babes and Bullets.” Her makeover is certainly more in the Michelle Rodriguez mold, wearing comfortable combat clothing and appearing like a soldier which is a definite improvement.
The gameplay also looks like it could be a good bit of fun, appearing to be something of a Twin stick shooter crossed with Diablo. In all this could be a surprising game from a company no one thought was actually relevant anymore. Keep it up 3D realms, you are headed in the right direction.