This time of year is basically Christmas for gamers. News, reveals, surprises and teases all appear during E3 that get players hyped for the next wave of games coming to their favourite system. Here at Player2 we thought it would be fun to look at the upcoming E3 and make some predictions as to what we will see coming. So Matt, Stevie, Adam, Stephen and Jenn sat down and thought about what we will see, what we might see and what would be nice to see. We will be doing one predictions article per conference in the lead up to E3. It is now Bethesda’s turn at the batting crease.
E3 Predictions 2015 – Bethesda
Stevie McDonald
Safe bet
New Doom – Development for this game has been rumoured to be in jeopardy more often than the latest celebrity relationship, so Bethesda have already assured they will be showing more footage at E3 and updating us all on its progress.
Fairly likely
Fallout 4 – Can you imagine if, after holding their first ever E3 conference, Bethesda got up on stage and said anything but ‘Fallout 4’? Like, really (We now know that it is coming for sure but as this would still be funny we decided to leave this here – ED).
Wishful Thinking
Dishonored sequel – While I think it’s fairly likely a sequel to 2012’s surprise hit will be a reality eventually, I doubt it will be this year. Still, a gal can dream.

Adam Rorke
Safe Bet
Doom – It’s text book marketing at this point. Release a teaser in the lead up to the biggest gaming showcase of the year, only to blow us all away with a proper trailer, details and release date at said event. I’ve seen the teaser, now for the rest.
Fairly Likely
Fallout – See above, we do have confirmation that they are indeed working on a new fallout title. I’m hoping for some more news at their conference and they’d be bonkers mad or far behind development not to showcase this one in a big way.
Wishful Thinking
Dishonored – <crosses his fingers> “pleeease oh pleeeease let this happen”

Matt Hewson
Safe Bet
Everybody’s favourite post apocalyptic RPG is back and I am hoping that E3 will see a release date for it. Multiple retailers have suggested that Fallout 4 is coming this year but it would be nice for some confirmation from Bethesda themselves.
Fairly Likely
Dishonored 2 sits here quite nicely. Sure with Doom and Fallout Bethesda have a pretty big year ahead but 2 games do not make a conference so I am thinking they have at least one big surprise up their sleeve and what better surprise than a new steam-punk stealth game!
Wishful Thinking
I might be the only person on the planet that wants this but I would love a return to the Quake universe. They have had success with Wolfenstein, they have Doom in the pipeline so it makes sense that ID’s third massive property is next on the list. If MachineGames did this one I would be doubly ecstatic.

Jenn Christodoulou
Safe Bet
Doom 4.We know that Doom is coming, so it’ll be exciting to see what gets announced for this eagerly awaited title.
Fairly Likely
Elder Scrolls Online- this game was talked up so much when it was announced, only for it to be a gigantic flop. It gets released on consoles shortly, but I wonder if anybody cares? The company has fixed what they can with the title, and recently bit the bullet and made it free to play, but I wonder if the console release will breathe new life into this dying title. I want to like the game, I really do… help me Bethesda. I believe in you.
Wishful Thinking
Skyrim 2- I know it won’t be called that, but I’m ready for the next Skyrim-esque title. It won’t happen for a while though, but a girl can hope. Once my hopes get dashed (as I know they will) I think I’ll just go mod Skyrim again and wait out another year in anticipation.

Stephen del Prado
Safe Bet
After the announcement for Dishonored HD drags on far too long, Fallout 4 is revealed, running on the same engine Bethesda have been using for over a decade. They pretend that its actually a new engine and are highly offended when it is suggested otherwise.
Fairly Likely
Arkane have been hard at work on Dishonored 2 and are finally ready to show some of it off. Set well after the events of the first game, protagonist Queen Emily must use Corvo’s training to deal with a new threat from outside her kingdom.
Wishful Thinking
Following in the footsteps of Blizzard, Bethesda place the Fallout screen rights firmly in the hands of director George Miller, with Guillermo del Toro on board to script. Many jokes are made about the fact that working wit Bethesda is not as much of a ‘gamble’ as Konami.

Other Predictions: Microsoft – Sony – Nintendo – EA – Ubisoft – Square Enix