X-COM 2 Announced

X-COM 2 Announced

At least half of the writers for Player2 lost their minds this morning when X-COM 2 was announced. Over the last week or so 2K Games have been running a teaser campaign about a fictional company called Advent. This teaser campaign culminated this morning when IGN reveled it to be the next installment in the much loved tactical franchise.

Not too much is know at this point but it is know that the X-COM project is now an underground guerrilla faction that is fighting against the alien overlords and their public front,  the Advent corporation. The game also features a mobile base, 5 new warrior classes and procedurally generated maps. X-COM 2 is also coming as a PC exclusive so console players will unfortunately miss out.

The best news however is that the game is coming in November this year! That is right a mere few months after announcement. For more check out the teaser trailer and stay tuned as we bring all the X-COM info we can find in the weeks to come.


2KGMKT_XCOM2_Screenshot_ADVENT-Trooper 2KGMKT_XCOM2_Screenshot_Ranger-Target-HUD

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