Go For Pro – Evo, OPL and Killer Instinct
KI World Cup
2016 was always going to be big for the Killer Instinct fans out there. Not only would we see Season 3 drop with a whole host of new characters and changes that will no doubt continue to evolve this already amazing title and a drop on the PC which will only boost player numbers. We also saw the first Killer Instinct World Cup with a $30,000 prize pool!
The show didn’t disappoint either. With 32 of the best KI players around the world, this invite only tournament (four of whom were last chance qualified on the previous day) had all the ups and downs that you’d expect from an all-star event such as this.
All faired quite well, Bass, My God, Sleep, Rico Suave, Thompson and Rebelo amongst the stand outs on the day. Some noticeable matches include the unforgettable rematch of Sleep and My God from EVO 2015, only in a true statement to his hard work and dedication to the game, My God was set to not see a repeat of his defeat at the hands of Sleeps KanRa, dispatching of his arch foe in very convincing fashion.
Stand out on the day was Rico though, never did he look to be in trouble until he met Rebelo in the winners finals where the two traded match for match which was easily the more competitive and exciting fight on the day! Rico didn’t stop there though and continued forward to stay in the winners bracket and take the entire competition! Even though he’d been looking dominating all day, My God just seemed tired by the time he came up against Rico’s Glacius. A well earned second place, but keep your eyes glued to this player because he’s truly one of the best out there.
To cap it all off, the organisers announced that we’d see a KI World Cup in 2017 and 2018! Even though it was an exclusive to the lesser of the next gen consoles (in terms of sales), KI has prevailed as a community favourite in the FGC, and it’ll only get better from here!
To see the top 8 all you need to do is check out the video below.
OPL 2016
In case you haven’t noticed, the League of Legend OPL has already started! We see some old teams with new names, new players and already we’re expecting that this year will not only have some surprises but a whole heap of exciting matches.
For those not familiar with the 2015 season, Chiefs basically dominated from start to finish and were one of the first Australian LoL teams to actually look like they could take it to the international teams. But isn’t it amazing at how much a new season can change things up. Namely that we’ve already seen Chiefs drop a match against their second place rivals from last season (Dire Wolves). And it isn’t that Chiefs are looking worse, it’s that Dire Wolves are looking much more refined! Keep a close on Legacy though, they are looking seriously scary right now, much scarier than Chiefs looked last year.
It’s impossible to tell who’s going to come out on top at this stage, but I’m personally hoping for a three way power struggle between Dire Wolves, Chiefs and Legacy! To see the current standings, go here: and to check out their games on Twitch, you can view all their matches here:
EVO 2016 Line Up!
And finally, EVO has announced their date, venue and games line up for 2016. And because I’m so nice, you can view them all right here:
Date – July 15th – 17th (US dates)
Venue – Las Vegas Convention Centre
Street Fighter V
Smash Bros: Melee
Smash Bros WiiU
Guilty Gear Xrd
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Mortal Kombat X
Tekken 7
Pokken Tournament
Killer Instinct
So yep, you probably noticed it too, no mention of Ultra SF4. This isn’t entirely surprising however, with SFV a mere week away it will be purely up to the USF4 community to keep this one running, and to be fairly frank, the vast majority will likely move on to the latest and greatest (which is looking fantastic by the way).
That’s it for this piece. Keep gaming people!
Adam Rorke