The Player 2 Marathon for Starlight – 2 Weeks To Go
Holy moly it seems this has come around fast. I thought it would be nice to give everyone an update as to what is happening with our first (of hopefully many) charity event. Well for starters we set a goal of $2000 to raise for the Starlight Foundation and so far we have already raised $300! Surely with your help we can smash our target on the night.

Secondly, since we announced the event I have been running around making back room deals, blackmailing and generally being a pest to try and get some prizes for our readers who want to join us for the event. Luckily the Australian games industry is filled with awesome people and we have prizes galore to give away. We have copies of Xcom 2, Mankind Divided, Just Cause 3, Street Fighter V and a whole host more thanks to Bandi Namco Australia and QVS Software. So far we have over 30 games to giveaway with hopefully more to come! To get a chance at winning any of these games it is super simple, simply donate $5 or more to the event. That’s it, couldn’t be easier. We will be announcing winners of individual games during the event and drawing a major prize of multiple games at the end of the 24 hour Marathon.

So stay tuned over the next two weeks as we announce our game schedule, confirm our prizes and basically amp up the hype train for the big event. If you can help in any way, be it by spreading the word, joining us on the night for some multiplayer fun online or donating to the prize pool please contact us via social media or at In the meantime join our Facebook event and stay tuned to Twitter for all the latest on the big day.

You can donate money to the cause right here, you will even get a tax receipt for your tax return.
I am getting excited folks and I hope you are too.
Matt Hewson