Games With Gold V Playstation Plus – May 2018 Free Games Revealed
The competition for your ongoing support continues between Microsoft and Sony and it’s best shown by the announcement of the upcoming freebie games for subscribers to either Playstation Plus or Xbox’s Gold Subscription in May 2018.
First up is Playstation and to coincide with the upcoming release of Quantic Dream’s latest game (Detroit: Become Human), PS+ subscribers score themselves the remaster of one of the teams PS3 hits, Beyond: Two Souls. The primary supporting act is the sensational Rayman Legends, a fantastic platformer that is a must for any gaming library. To go alongside the big hitters for the PS4, those that still own a PS3 or PS Vita will get access to:
- Risen 3: Titan Lords, PS3
- Eat Them!, PS3
- King Oddball, PS Vita (Cross-Buy with PS3 and PS4)
- Furmins, PS Vita
Xbox Owners have a pretty fantastic month in store as well with Super Mega Baseball 2 arriving on May 1st, and the one that everyone will be clamouring for, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will drop a couple of weeks later on May 16th. The supporting acts are two excellent Xbox 360 games:
- Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage (May 1st-15th)
- Vanquish (May 16th-31st) *A criminally ignored gem so pick it up*
There are some truly excellent games available this month so fans of either Playstation or Xbox (or both) have some great games to be playing next month courtesy of your subscription!