Go for Pro – Interview with Overwatch Sydney Drop Bears DPS – Huseyin ‘Hus’ Sahin
For any fans of competitive Overwatch, the name Hus should definitely sound familiar. Touted as one of the very best DPS players in our region, Hus has proven himself in both the Contenders league as well as the world cup! We were lucky enough to steal some of his time to answer our burning questions surrounding all things Overwatch!
(P2AU) Adam – The Drop Bears, up until recently, were undefeated for the longest time. Do you think there is anything specific that make your team so dominating over the other contenders?
I think our dominance was a combination of the fact that all, of our players, help each other to improve and our experience. Unlike other teams, nobody on the team is an individualist when it comes to the game if we see issue’s we tell each other. We always tell each other what we need in order to succeed individually. For example, I might want to use an ability offensively, so I will tell my teammates what I need from them in order to accomplish that. It’s very simple idea but extremely effective and no team does it quite like ours. Our experience also plays a critical factor, we have the most LAN experience over any other team which allows us to really pull through when it counts on large stages.
(P2AU) Adam – What do you think is a common misconception about Professional Gaming that regular gamers often make?
I think people strongly underestimate how much of a grind it can be at times. There are periods in every players career where they are completely burnt out and hate the game. It’s one of the hardest struggles to keep working through, but it’s all about pushing through those periods and visualizing what you want to achieve and your success. It’s a mental battle that nearly every player faces and can ruin a career if it pops up at the wrong time. Many people don’t realize that if you start doing something you love for 40 hours week after week it can very rapidly become a job instead of a hobby.

(P2AU) Adam – What would be a typical daily routine for you and your team?
Well, because we live all around the country it’s difficult to have a ‘team’ daily routine. However, we have required practice every day for 4 hours with a 30-minute theory session thrown in. Our players also have individual training methods that they do in their spare time for a few hours each day as well.
These might consist of playing competitive ranked, watching a POV recording of their own performance, watching the Overwatch League or training their aim through deathmatch or aim trainers.
When we physically get together in the week or two before a LAN event it’s a very similar schedule, just ramped up to 10 with a LOT more individual training.
(P2AU) Adam – Are there any players in the Overwatch esports circles that you really look up to or admire?
I admire a lot of players for very different reasons, here are a few that I respect:
- JJonak for his ability to punish mistakes. It’s honestly legendary. I have seen him five-ball Pharah’s out of the sky if their movement is the tiniest bit predictable and I have seen him solo kill two people in Goats before the fight has even begun.
- Colourhex for coming from our region and then dumpstering OWL players when many people doubted him and didn’t believe he would amount to anything. He is doing incredible right now having just won an MVP award. I am really looking forward to his games in the future.
- Trill for having one of the longest and most unrelenting grinds to Academy and then still trashing competition on 300ms ping after getting there.
- Custa for the way he manages his brand and built himself up as the face of Valiant. The only person who has been as successful in a similar way might be Jake. They are some of the only players in the league who have given a thought to their future after playing and have taken clear steps to preparing for that eventuality.
- Ryujehong for the way he managed to rebound after losing his title of the best flex sup in the world and being crapped on by everyone at the start of season 1. Being able to ride the bench and swap roles midseason takes a real force of will and much self-sacrifice. To go from a situation that grim to currently being able to outperform Jjonak on some maps displays a real winner’s mentality.
(P2AU) Adam – What advice would you have for people currently solo-queuing in Comp mode who want to maybe find a team and take their game to a new level or perhaps even kick start their own Professional career in esports?
Keep playing solo queue every day, even if only for a little while. Focus on improving certain skills per session and avoid getting distracted by problems outside of your control.
(P2AU) Adam – Let’s talk GOATS. It’s clearly a popular and dominating meta but its dividing people claiming it’s boring. What’s your take on it and do you feel that with recent/upcoming changes to the game that there will be an anti-GOATS meta?
The GOATS meta heavily focuses on teamwork and the MOBA aspects of the game. This makes it harder for outstanding individual plays and instead focuses on the subtle impact of teamwork and coordination. Since GOATS forces a compositional mirror match, the meta becomes repetitive and tedious. Both compositions have a very one-dimensional win condition in the form of ultimate combos, making for a predictable outcome. A game like Overwatch needs the right mix of MOBA and FPS to remain fun to play and entertaining to watch. The GOATS meta puts an emphasis on MOBA and shy’s away from FPS, ultimately taking away from one of Overwatches fundamentally appealing factors; clicking on heads. Meta changes, while late, are welcome. Buffs to DPS heroes and nerfs to certain Support and Tanks may finally free us from the GOATS prison. We may see a surge in Bunker and Dive compositions; however, GOATS should still see some play in the pre-meta “rock-paper-scissors”.
(P2AU) Adam – Every role is important in a good team composition, but what do you feel is the hardest role to understand and perfect?
Theoretically, the Flex-DPS role should be the hardest to master. As a Flex-DPS you are required to play a multitude of heroes not restricted to a certain class. Therefore, a true Flex-DPS master is a master of all roles.
(P2AU) Adam – With the recent expansion in the Overwatch League, people on our side of the hemisphere were wondering if we’ll ever get to see an Australian team in the Overwatch league. Do you think this will be a reality in the future and how do you think Australia stacks up against other teams on the Global scale of Professional Overwatch esports?
Having an Australian team in the Overwatch League is a likely reality, however, when this will happen remains unknown. Compared to many other regions, Australia is a dwarf on the Global scale of Professional Overwatch. While we house players that are talented enough to play in the League, there are so few of them, and the viewership so low, that showcasing that talent is only possible in events like the Overwatch World Cup. There are a vast amount of issues Australia faces in Esports, many of which are a result of the country’s relatively low population and lack of infrastructure. While these factors remain, we may never see a full Australian team in the League. However, in the coming years, Australians will continue to claw their way to the top and make a name for themselves within the Overwatch ecosystem.