Competition: Kill Some Nazis with Player 2 and Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Competition: Kill Some Nazis with Player 2 and Wolfenstein: Youngblood

It is competition time here at Player 2 and what better prize to give than the joy of Nazi killing. With just a few clicks you could win a copy of Wolfenstein: Youngblood on the system of your choice plus a bonus game from our good bag and a super sexy Player 2 travel mug to top it all off. There are even a couple of runners up prizes of a random game and travel mug.

How do you enter I hear you ask? Easy, just use the form below. Nothing else, super simple. So get clicking and hopefully you will be joining us for some Nazi-hunting fun when Wolfenstein: Youngblood launches on the 26th of July.

The sexy P2 Travel mug returns!

Please note: This competition is only open to Australian residents. Competition will be drawn on the 19th of July 2019. 

Kill Some Nazis With Player 2

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