The 2019 Nintendo E3 Direct Summary

The 2019 Nintendo E3 Direct Summary

The final big event for E3 was the traditional Nintendo Direct and boy oh boy did they cram some games into this one. Their big theme was “something for everyone” and that certainly rang true. Game after game poured out in the 45-minute presentation, so much so this is going to be tough to wrap it all up.

  • First we kicked things off with a Smash announcement. The Dudes from Dragon Quest are joining the fight. Honestly, another guy with a sword really doesn’t do much for the roster. But later in the show we got confirmation of what everyone has been talking about since the game was released, Banjoo Kazooie is joining Smash Bros. Possibly the biggest cheer moment of the whole presentation

  • Next up, Dragon Quest XI – Definitive Edition. Coming with a whole host of goodies that aren’t in the PS4 version. Switch JRPGers should be excited

  • Luigi then stole the show with his latest adventure in a spooky mansion, Luigi’s Mansion 3. Lots of new abilities, some interesting puzzles and a whole load of Nintendo charm. Looking to be a must buy for the Switch.

  • We then got a brief look at a Netflix tie-in game The Dark Crystal Tactics. Hard to tell if the game is any good at all but it is an interesting choice of IP to use for this sort of title. Puppet fans should keep an eye on it though, there is every chance it could be a good one.

  • Following on we have Zelda: Links Awakening to check out. We got a release date of September 20 and a good look at that art style that Nintendo have gone with. Perhaps the biggest new feature is the built-in dungeon designer where players can create their own dungeon challenges.

  • Things then started to get a little hectic with game after game being announced. First was a Trials of Mana remake, then a collection of the original Mana games (which is available now.)

  • We then got confirmation of the world’s worst secret, The Witcher 3 on the Switch. Look I am really not sure about this. Usually, I am all aboard the “everything on the Switch” bandwagon, but this seems like it could totally break the system.

  • Fire Emblem Three Houses took the stage next for some family melodrama

  • We then got news of Resident Evil 5 and 6 Switch ports. Sure 5 is a solid game, but I am pretty sure no one was begging for 6 to be ported to anything.

  • No More Heroes 3 then showed off some crazy Suda 51 stylings.

  • A new twin-stick Contra (that looks crazy I might add) game was then announced, along with the entire Contra collection (available today)

  • Demon X Machina got a bit of play time, I have no idea about this one, but it looks fun.

  • The Panzer Dragoon remake also saw the light of day, it looks great and will be one I am certainly going to grab.

  • We then got a slightly longer look at Platinum’s next title, Astral Chain. It is coming August 20 and it features crazy combat and a crazier story. About what you would expect from a Platinum game really. I am in.

  • We then got a look at John Romeo’s next title, a 1920’s gangster game, Empire of Sin.

  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 took centre stage with a big trailer, honestly, this is looking great and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Luckily I won’t have to wait long as it is coming on July 19.

  • From the creator of Crypt of the Necromancer comes… Cadence of Hyrule, a rhythm-based Zelda title. Crazy right?

  • Mario and Sonic are once again going to the Olympics and once again people are finding it hard to care.

  • We then got a good look at the new Animal Crossing game which got delayed (with an apology) until March next year. I know more than a few people that are chomping at the bit to get their hands on this one.

  • This was followed by a quick reel of a tonne of games including some surprises like Alien Ressurection and Super Lucky’s tale. Tonnes of games coming that is for sure.

  • The show then finished off with a big surprise. The announcement of a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild. It even had a short trailer. Chances are though this game is years away yet, but fans are sure to be pumped.

So there you have it, the final conference for E3. Stay tuned to the P2 E3 hub for all the news as it comes in as well as videos, podcasts and trailers all from E3. 


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