Get Your Music Selection Right Thanks to Musicforstreams.Com

Get Your Music Selection Right Thanks to Musicforstreams.Com

When you just start out streaming there are a whole bunch of things to learn. What software to use, how to get the best lighting, which games people want to see, the mistake that is wearing green on a stream. Will all these things to get your head around, the last thing you need is a big bad record company stopping by with a copyright infringement just because you happened to have a bit of Beyonce playing in the background. Well, worry not closet Destiny’s Child fan because there is a new resource designed to solve that very problem.

Cat Benstead, PR Guru, Horror Fan and My Chemical Romance tragic has poured her energy into a new project called This new website aims to solve all your streaming music woes with safe music selections, pre-made playlists and guides on which labels are cool to streamers and which ones get upset whenever “Single Ladies” comes on.



When asked about her reasoning behind this fantastic new site, this is what Cat had to say:

“As both a music fan and active Twitch community member, I saw the devastation rip through the online community when music corporation started issuing DMCA takedowns earlier this year. From that day I started working with musicians, bands, and labels to bring amazing music to streamers. As a marketer I know how the two can work together as a collaborative effort, the amazing part is that the music industry has recognised this as well. Music For Streamers (musicforstreams) started out as a passion project on a daily updated Google Spreadsheet, I spent hours after work adding in new artists, replying to emails, answering labels questions, and scheduling tweets to let followers now new music had been added. I realised that I really needed to move it to a prettier platform to make it an experience when people go to look for music, hence why I started the website. I love music so much, I love independent music so much and I love that I have been able to bring that world so much closer to my Twitch community and world.”

So there you have it folks, a one-stop-shop for all your music streaming related questions. You can head over to the website now or follow it on twitter to keep up-to-date with everything as the site grows in both size and reach.

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