Player 2 Vs Xbox Developer Direct January 2025
For three consecutive years, Xbox has been doing an exceptional job of laying out the road ahead for its exclusive slate via its January Developer Direct presentation. Today, they did it again with Developer_Direct 2025, and we gathered two Player 2 editors, Matt Hewson and Paul James, to discuss all that they saw. Join them for this recap.
Ninja Gaiden 4
Matt: Oh boy, this is one excited bloke right here. Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2 hold a special place in my heart (3 doesn’t exist alright) and the idea of a new Ninja Gaiden co-developed by action masters Platinum Games is nothing short of amazing. I cannot wait to once again get my ass kicked over and over and over again as I try to become the master Ninja I was never meant to be. I do worry that my age will be an issue, after all my reflexes aren’t what they used to be, but I have to say I am excited to find out.
Paul: The Ninja Theory developed Ninja Gaiden games of the past were a bit much for me to be honest, though the relatively recent Master Collection changed that somewhat. The style of the franchise is top shelf, and PlatinumGames’ involvement is only going to improve the game in this facet. Ninja Gaiden was doing brutal difficulty in the 3D realm well before Soulslikes emerged, so it’ll be cool to see the king return to the crown. My only hope as someone who struggled with it is that the game gives me the ability to dial it down and make the game accessible for the masses who aren’t keen to smash their faces against a wall.
Ninja Gaiden II Black
Matt: The big shadow drop of the presentation and it is a beauty. An Unreal 5 glow-up of Ninja Gaiden II Black is such a cool pressie. I am downloading it as I write this and can’t wait to dive in. While Ninja Gaiden II had a couple of issues that held it back a little, I actually think it will hold up really well and there really aren’t any other games out there that scratch this particular itch. It’s also the perfect way for a whole generation of players to see just how much fun (and admittedly frustrating at times) being a deadly Ninja can be.
Paul: We knew there would have to be a fifth game during this presentation, and while I had predicted that Ninja Gaiden would be the mystery fourth title, I didn’t expect it to the the fifth as well. Ninja Gaiden II Black is a massive surprise, and for it to be an “and its out now” style drop is even more exciting. I’m really keen to check this one out, especially if this updated version includes the necessary difficulty levels to make it accessible to weaklings like me.
South Of Midnight
Matt: 3D Action Adventure meets Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas is one hell of a pitch and it is one I am all in on. This game looks glorious. The style is just so unique and enticing that I can’t wait to really sink my teeth into it and learn what makes the world tick. If I have one worry it is that the combat will get a little stale, but if there are enough tricks in there to keep the battles interesting there is no reason why this one won’t be Compulsion’s best game yet.
Paul: I’m certainly mindful of the fact that this new trailer and BTS footage didn’t necessarily reveal much that was new to me. We’re certainly trotting out some known content here, but the release date information is nice and the game is certainly looking fantastic. As Matt says, my worry is around a potential lack of gameplay diversity, but my hope is that Compulsion Games have kept some tricks up their sleeve in this regard. April isn’t too far away though so I’m excited to go hands-on with it soon!
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
Matt: Historically I haven’t really been a JRPG kind of guy, but that has been changing of late as I have dipped my toes into things like Final Fantasy and Sea of Stars. As a result, Expedition 33 is actually something I am really looking forward to. It is a new IP so I don’t have years or lore to catch up on, absolutely stunning graphics and some cool features that feel like they are going to add a lot to the gameplay. I feel like this is the sort of game I will play on and off for a long period of time, but still enjoy every second of it. I have to say, that skill tree and passive boost screen looks pretty daunting.
Paul: Expedition 33 is one of my most anticipated games of the 2025, but I never conceived the idea that I might be playing it so soon, so the revelation that it’s coming in April is huge for me. The game is also striking on all the right JRPG notes for me, while it has a narrative hook that is super intriguing to me. It’s drawing on all the right elements of the right games, and I’m just shocked that a debut studio without ties to any of the big, established publishers could be developing this. That is exciting and at the same time, leaves a seed of worry and doubt in my mind as well. Either way, we’ll know soon. Please be amazing!
DOOM: The Dark Ages
Matt: I am sold on this one. The combat flow, the contextual actions, the bigger world that encourages exploration. My trust in ID is total and everything about this tells me this is exactly what I want from a Doom game. I have always dug the stories in Doom so I am glad to see they are doubling down and the new melee system looks like it will be super satisfying to use. I can’t see ID dropping the ball on this one and I feel like this will be mentioned around GOTY time in 2025
Paul: I love the comparison that was made between DOOM 2016 (Run and Gun), DOOM Eternal (Jump and Shoot), and now DOOM: The Dark Ages (Stand and Fight). You can see the differences in the gameplay, and while the slower, heavier combat style will perhaps be a turnoff to some, for me, as someone who would sometimes get overwhelmed by how my head needed to be on a swivel in Eternal, this change is perfect. I don’t expect the game to be any less brutal, or dialed down in any way, but the changes made suit me a tee.
Final Thoughts
Matt: I love this format of the show, letting the devs tell the story instead of some hyped-up marketing dude is much more appealing to me so I am glad to see Xbox continue in this manner. It also helps that every single game here looks to be an absolute banger with something for everyone. All of these games deserve your attention for different reasons and they represent a lot of things I love in games. The surprise drop of the Ninja Gaiden II remaster was just the cherry on top of what was a great showing. 2025 is shaping up to be an all-timer, no matter what system you play on.
Paul: The slate of games was phenomenal, and when you consider that Xbox has cleverly outlined their Q1 and Q2 without having to spill the beans on their holiday plans (aside from Ninja Gaiden 4 which is third party), it’s even more impressive. To not have to tease Fable again until presumably mid-year, or lean on Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, the Indiana Jones release date on PS5, or even to address the many swirling multi-plat rumours that are prevalent (and likely true IMO), and yet, deliver a stellar presentation is incredibly impressive to me, and shows that the trajectory of the Xbox brand continues to be a positive one. Thanks Xbox for a fantastic showcase. Now bring on Avowed in 3 weeks!