Star Wars Unlimited Jumps to Lightspeed

Star Wars Unlimited Jumps to Lightspeed

Following on from last years Twilight of the Republic, Star Wars Unlimited will see 2025 bring a host of changes to the release format starting with Jump to Lightspeed, its fourth wave of content since launch. If it wasn’t obvious from the title, this set will focus more heavily on space combat compared to the high amount of ground combat based cards found in the content to date.

Firstly, the Two Player Starter product is no more, instead replaced with a pair of ‘Spotlight Decks’, featuring Boba Fett and Han Solo as the included Leaders. Following Lorcana’s Starter/Pre-con model, each Spotlight Deck will also include a standard booster pack for some out of the box deck customisation.

Spotlight Deck Han Solo

There are also some new mechanics, showcased by both Boba Fett and Han Solo leader cards with the Pilot keyword and ‘indirect’ damage. ‘Pilot’ allows a character to attach to a vehicle as an upgrade, increasing its stats and providing new abilities.  This will synergise with the planned increase in space combat options for this wave, no doubt influencing much of the meta as well as widening the scope of thematic decks.


Indirect damage is unblockable damage assigned by the receiver, which isn’t much in small amounts but will undoubtedly form the basis of some decks built around assigning high amounts of indirect damage, which is an interesting way to increase the above the table play as an opponent is loaded with one more decision.

Finally, a new type of limited run booster pack will be made available with no reprints planned. These ‘Carbonite Edition Boosters’ differ from regular boosters in that every card will be an aesthetic variant; foil, Hyperspace, Hyperspace foil, Showcase and a new variant, the Prestige card. No cards in these Carbonite sets will be gameplay exclusive, so the only thing they will be impacting is the speculative market.

SWU Carbonite Packs

Star Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed launches in March 2025 and is available to preorder now from a number of dedicated hobby stores.

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