The Player 2 PixelCast 152
By a small act of mercy, our first episode for 2025 squeaked out mere hours before Nintendo caved and dropped a svelte video showing off (what we mostly already knew about) the Switch 2 at long last. It would have landed earlier, and Matt now has a second arsehole as punishment. We did mention in that episode that the leaks were very clearly legit, and that held up nicely… and has allowed the PixelCast crew to spend the second show doing the more enjoyable thing that is speculating about the stuff that hasn’t been leaked.
The crew in question? Well, we put Rob back in charge for this one, and Tim’s here like a bad smell that has gotten into the bathroom grout, but we are also joined by one David Smith. Specifically, the one who was in charge of the Australian wing of Kotaku before that lovely little place was put out to pasture. Not the random on who wrote a review trashing one of the Tokyo Xtreme Racer games. That guy’s probably a dick.
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Games: Tokyo Xtreme Racer (early access), Space Marine 2, Monument Valley 3
Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc
Break Music: Smell the Steamy Flowers by Reuben Spiers, Gamer of the Winds