Go for Pro – Big Money! Big Prizes. I Love It!
SMITE – Oceanic Pro League’s HUGE Prize Pool
Now you and I might have a different opinion on what HUGE might be. But I think you’d be a bit hard pressed to tell me that $100,000 prize pool isn’t huge.
Yes, 2015 was considered a very big success for the Oceanic Region (according to Hi-Rez Studios) and to celebrate this fact, they’ve upped the prize pool significantly for our league this year.
Over three splits across Australia and New Zealand, 2016 should prove to be an exciting year for this scene, and what I hope will also greatly improve the level of competition so that we can really take it to the international teams later this year!
Season 3 will kick off this Saturday (online) which will be the first (of two) qualifier for the League. Sound keen? Well more info can be found here and keep a close eye on Team Avant Guard who will be hitting the ground running this season and will be the team to beat!
Australia is now officially on the Capcom Pro Tour!
Now for some news that literally made me have kittens. Yes literally … would anyone like a free kitten? Moving on, in what was a well-kept secret by the master organisers behind Melbourne’s BAM and Sydney’s OHN, Australia is now officially part of the Capcom Pro Tour!
Even better, it’s not one event, it’s two! Yes now if you attend BAM in Melbourne (May 13th – 15h) or OHN in Sydney (August 26th – 28th) you can officially earn ranking points which will put you in contention for the Capcom Cup. It goes well beyond this though, it’s more about Australia being included and recognised (finally) in the fighting game circuit and what I hope will be the first of many to start trickling their way to our shores.
Due to it being an official ranking event, Australia is now more likely to attract big name international players from around the world to fly their way down here and compete against the best SFV players in our Country. Some may call me biased and crazy, but I truly believe Australia has the foundations of highly skilled players who will assist and help a new generation of gamers reach the lofty goals of being one of the very best in the world. It would honestly make my day to see an Australian walk up on stage and represent us at Capcom Cup 2016.
As a well-known figure in Australia’s FGC said after this news broke – “… now it’s up to the players”. Well said.
For more information go here and for people competing, start hitting that training mode, creating new tech and competing against one another, this is our time!
Adam Rorke