Spend E3 2016 with Player 2

Spend E3 2016 with Player 2

It is almost that time of year. The time when gamers everywhere are walking around with a perpetual smile on their face. That’s right E3 is just around the corner and as always people all around the globe will be glued to the show to get all the latest on what is happening with gaming as a whole. New games, big announcements and hopefully some huge surprises are in store for all of us.

Here at Player 2 we are going to endeavour to make it easy for you all to stay up-to-date with the latest E3 info. This week our E3 2016 hub will go live. This will be the one stop shop for all E3 related news, conference summaries and publisher predictions. Every trailer, every article and every announcement will be in one easy spot.

So make sure you stay tuned to Player 2 in the lead-up and throughout E3 2016. We will have some fun articles, serious conversations and some great video content going up and we hope you will join us for the ride!



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