Games to Watch 2025 - Strategy
It is that time of year when we look ahead to see what is coming. With that in mind, Matt has taken a look at the upcoming slate to see which games from each genre deserve to be watched closely. The reasons to watch these games may be varied and these lists are by no means comprehensive, but all games mentioned at least deserve to be kept in your mind as they head towards release.
It is time now to put our thinking caps on because we are looking at the upcoming strategy games.
Two Point Museum
A game that I have already been lucky enough to play, Two Point Museum is shaping up quite nicely. It shares a lot in common with its predecessors Two Point Hospital and Two Point Campus but it is throwing a couple of nice wrinkles into the gameplay to keep things feeling fresh.
There is a new expedition system which is wonderful to play with and it leads to a satisfying way to gain exhibits for your budding museum. There is also a new currency called hype which needs to be managed to ensure the guests keep coming. These changes add extra depth to an already great system and it is sure to keep fans of the genre happy when it launches on the 5th of March

Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era

It has been a long time between drinks for fans of the classic Heroes of Might and Magic franchise but their thirst is about to be quenched with the Olden Era. A new entry in the venerable franchise, Olden Era returns the series to its original naming convention (HOMM for life!) and, for the first time ever will be launching in early access.
It is an interesting move by Ubisoft but one I can get behind. These games are deep and need a lot of balancing to perfect. Early Access is the perfect way to test the balance in the real world and make sure everything is in top shape before launching. As for gameplay, expect the classic turn-based RPG and tactical battles to make a return when the game launches on PC in Q2.
Civilization VII
What needs to be said about what is probably the biggest strategy franchise on the planet? Civ VII is coming, and it is going to be huge. Thousands of fans are already salivating at the thought of just one more turn, so this is going to be a big release regardless of what happens in the game.
That said, some exciting innovations are coming to the franchise, including a new era system, more advanced disasters, a cleaner and more user-friendly tutorial, and a revamped advisor system, just to name a few. Fans can expect a whole lot of new stuff to dive into. Mark this one in your calendar, strategy fans. You won’t want to miss it when it kicks off on every system known to man on the 12th of February.

Anno 117

Is real-time strategy more you speed? Well, Anno is back for another entry to scratch that itch. Anno 117 is taking the franchise back to the era of Roman Civilisation and is handing you the role of Ceaser. Take control of the empire and expand through economic means or take to the fields of war.
For those who haven’t played the Anno franchise before, they are a fantastic example of a classic city builder that takes things that bit further. The gameplay is tight and deep and there is the real possibility of losing hours while you perfect your city and lead it towards your goals. I expect Anno 117 to follow that path. We don’t have much else to go on really, so expect this one late in 2025 (it could even slip.)
Tempest Rising
Are you a long-suffering Command and Conquer fan like me? Frustrated with EA and their failure in handling the classic franchise? Well, Tempest Rising may just be the thing to bring a smile to your face. Being developed by a group of devs who have a clear love for the classics of the RTS era, Tempest Rising could be the fix I have been after.
It comes with all the trappings of a good RTS, three factions, multiplayer, large-scale battles, base-building, and the works. It is shaping up quite nicely giving a real C&C Generals feel which I am more than ok with. The only thing it needs now is some cheesy FMV with B-grade celebrities to put the icing on top. Tempest Rising lands on the 25th of April.