Warden Launches

Warden Launches

What better way to spend a night than to go to the launch of a new game that just hit our Steam stores! Yes, after two and a half years, the game Warden (http://warden-game.com/) is now available to purchase right now.

Warden Launches

Developed in Canberra by three individuals, we first took notice of this game when it was shown off at a local Convention (GAMMA.CON). Since then we’ve been eyeing this one closely, waiting for news of its release.

The event, which was held at Reload Bar, showcased the full release as well as the developers from Cardboard Keep (www.cardboardkeep.com) and everyone got some hands on.

Warden Launches

We had a great night and you can expect a review of the game soon! For all those interested, you can pick up a copy right now and get 10% off until April 16th right here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/338310/

Warden Launches Warden Launches

Adam Rorke

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