E3 2017 Predictions – Ubisoft

With E3 just around the corner, it is once again time for the Player 2 crew to get their crystal balls out of the attic and make some wildly inaccurate predictions as to what will appear at the world’s biggest games show. What will Ubisoft bring to wow the crowds?

E3 2017 Predictions – Ubisoft

Sarah Ellen

Safe Bet

They are going to milk that South Park game for every little morsel that it is worth. They highlighted it at last year’s E3, and I honestly believe that Ubisoft has little or no shame and will just do another spotlight on The Fractured but Whole to flog the dead horse into hype.

Fairly likely

Far Cry 5 teased a picture, and ignited the masses. As hilarious as it is watching Ubisoft talk about South Park for a couple of years in a row, I also believe that they will continue with zero cares as they showcase how gamers can cause damage to a stereotypical white supremacist (hint: target the beard. That’s where all of the testosterone resides).

Wishful Thinking

Ubisoft Singapore, who worked on some of the more recent Assassin’s Creed games, are reported to have a new IP in the works for PC and console. It is possibly time for the masses to have a little bit of a squiz of what is in production?

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Paul James

Safe Bet

Assassin’s Creed Origins – Ubisoft have had their year off, and now the leaks have once again begun. If there’s one franchise that it’s impossible to keep secret it’s Assassin’s Creed and so apparently the newest game is to be titled Assassin’s Creed Origins – a game which boasts one of the most overused subtitles in the business. Expect to see a massive blowout during the Ubisoft’s Press Conference, inclusive of a release date and a substantial slice of gameplay

Fairly Likely

South Park: The Fractured But Whole – It’s been delayed over and over again, but with a line of merchandise coming out this September, I can’t help but think that this might finally be the last time we see South Park: The Fractured But Whole at E3. We’ll certainly get a bunch of new footage, and surely that will be accompanied by a release date. I’ve played it a bit already, I loved what I played and now I want the full product – Ubisoft, it’s time to deliver!

Wishful Thinking

UbiArt Magic – I tossed up for a while between this and Splinter Cell for this spot, but I just have a nagging suspicion that Sam Fisher’s return is imminent, so my lack of optimism shifts to the UbiArt framework for this sad portion of my predictions. No Rayman (outside of the Legends re-release for Switch), no Child of Light, no Valiant Hearts and no other new IP using the engine – sadly I think it’s going to be another quiet year for the little engine that has delivered some of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen.

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Matthew Ballinger

Safe Bet

We are about due for another Assassin’s Creed and Farcry game, I think if they showed off a new Watchdogs but didn’t actually release it until next year they could start the hype train all over again.

Fairly Likely

There are a lot of talented developers spread across Ubisoft and I would love to see a new IP from them this year. I would be happy with a section showing off the state Rainbow Six: Siege since launch and a peek at what they have in store for the rest of the Year 2 pass and maybe a hint at continued support through a Year 3, Siege is dope at keeping the player base right where it is and this could be more important than announcing a sequel.

Wishful thinking

Picture this, For Honor…but it actually works. Dedicated servers, no nickle-and-diming customers with microtransactions and a legible story. Could you imagine?

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Stevie Mcdonald

Safe bet

Surely there will be some sign of the next South Park game, The Fractured But Whole. It’s been delayed twice now, which has ramped up hype levels for some but crushed them a little for others. With a brand new release date nominated, Ubi will want to reassure us the fantastically-named title is definitely coming out this time.

Fairly likely

It’s been almost two years since Assassin’s Creed Syndicate was released and that’s a long time between Assassin’s Creed titles. Ubisoft has now officially announced that the next instalment will be released before March 2018, so it’s fairly certain we’ll see some sign of it at their E3 conference.

Wishful thinking

Since that Prince of Persia sequel I requested in the last two articles still isn’t here, I’ve decided to change things up this year. Ubisoft announces they will remake 2011’s ‘The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn’ AND GIVE IT THE RESPECT IT DESERVES. I am a Tintin fan of forever, and the 2011 movie was fantastic, but the game itself was an atrocious mess that I still haven’t forgotten or forgiven.

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

Get the engines revving for The Crew 2. For me The Crew was a noble failure. It had some wonderfully next-gen ideas (The whole of the USA to drive around for example) but it fumbled the execution a bit. That said it was still a good bit of fast paced fun. I am very keen to see what Ubisoft can do now they have a solid base and plenty of feedback to work with.

Fairly Likely

It is time to step back into the role of an Assassin. The next Creed title is due and you can bet your bottom dollar that it will get shown off at E3. I will be surprised if it is coming out this year, I think early 2018 is more likely, but I could be wrong. Hopefully Ubisoft doesn’t forget to include a grappling hook this time around because after Syndicate I don’t want to have to climb a wall ever again.

Wishful Thinking

The return of Sam Fisher. I think a new Splinter Cell is coming, but it probably won’t be for another year. Also here is some free advice Ubisoft: If Sam Fisher goes open-world there will be divine retribution. Linear is not a dirty word.

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Stephen del Prado

Safe Bet

Far Cry 5, Assassins Creed: Origins and The Crew 2 all feature prominently in promotional material, with release dates announced for the latter two.  They’ll ignore my requests for a Valiant Hearts follow-up and the beautiful UbiArt engine will remain underutilised for another year.


Fairly likely

Ubisoft will announce a new IP for 2018 – the time seems right for them to do so before their stable of annual titles grows overly stale with gaming fans. Watch Dogs is given an extended development cycle following the break given to the Assassins Creed series.

Wishful Thinking

Ubisoft project a hologram of Tom Clancy in order to announce the next wave of titles bearing his name, the standout being Tom Clancy’s Ghost Writer. Holo-Tom is then joined by Hatsune Mike and Tupac Shakur to promote Just Dance 2018, with the three of them producing an instantly classic take on Dr. Dre and Shakur’s 1995 hit ‘California Love’.

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Adam Rorke

Safe bet

I was fairly worried this title wouldn’t get a release this year but low and behold, come October, I’ll finally be able to sit down and enjoy the new South Park game, The fractured but hole! But there’s just so much we don’t know yet and I’m hoping for a few short playthroughs, complete with fart jokes.

Fairly likely

At the time of writing this I was predicting some Far Cry 5 reveals this year, then two days later we got the teaser trailer. So with that said, I’m moving a bit forward on this and expect some gameplay footage, play throughs and a proper trailer to hype the game up before its release, which should hopefully be this year.

Wishful thinking

This might be the retro gamer inside me wishing this, but quite frankly I don’t care. Rayman Legends was a sensational platformer and to see it get a sequel that somehow trumps this brilliant title would be a win for gamers everywhere!

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Ubisoft has basically come out and confirmed that new Assassin’s Creed will be shown at this year’s E3 so, ya know… that’s a pretty damn safe bet if you ask me. The series always performs quite well for the company so it’s no surprise that they want to show it off this year.

Fairly Likely

The recently leaked information about Far Cry 5 makes me think we’re going to be seeing more of it at this conference. The leak sparked controversy for some people but by the majority, it was received quite well, and of course, it was because it looks awesome. Who doesn’t want to kick some evangelical butt? (well, ok, I can name a few people but shhh).
I’d also love love love to see more South Park. Cartman is my idol (one day I will be ten years old again I WILL) and I can’t wait to find out more about this title.

Wishful Thinking

There have been rumours going around about a possible Ubisoft/Nintendo crossover. Whether this means a Ubisoft title released on the newly launched Switch, I don’t know, but I think that would be pretty great.

E3 2017 Predictions - Ubisoft

Other Predictions are all available at our E3 Hub

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