Player 2 Plays – Tunic Demo
Tunic has been a long time coming… and we’ll still be waiting a while yet. But in a cool twist, the public facing demo that has been made available at the likes of E3 and PAX over the years was recently made available to all. Paul, not being one to miss out on playing a Zelda-like title pounced, and he brings it to you for this latest entry of P2 Plays
Stay tuned for more “Player 2 Plays” soon and if you have any suggestions for what the Player 2 crew should play, don’t be shy and let us know! Also, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more great original content and every new game trailer we can get our hands on. If you want to get your eyes on these videos before everyone else, you can become a Player 2 Crew Member at our Patreon Page!