Hyper Universe is Bashing its way out of Early Access

Hyper Universe is Bashing its way out of Early Access

Free to Play specialists Nexon has announced the full release date for its 2D beat-em-up/MOBA hybrid Hyper Universe. The game is hitting Steam as a full release on the 17th of January after a successful early access period that was used to fine-tune the mechanics and balance of the game.

“Since releasing through Steam’s Early Access program this past August, the development team carefully reviewed all player feedback, implementing wide-ranging gameplay changes,” said Jungsoo Lee, General Manager of Nexon America. “We want to thank our passionate and dedicated community for their hard work to help shape the development of this game and we eagerly await their response when it goes live for everyone later this month.”

Hyper Universe is nothing if not unique and it promises that there is no pay-to-win at all, all purchases are cosmetic only. So really there is nothing to lose in giving this one a go when it comes out. If the idea of a Double Dragon MOBA tickles you, then Hyper Universe seems to be the game you have been waiting for.


Hyper Universe is Bashing its way out of Early Access

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