E3 2016 Predictions – Microsoft

E3 is just around the corner folks and you know what that means. That’s right, wildly inaccurate predictions as to what will appear at the show. The Player 2 crew has once again gotten together and gazed into their crystal balls (there was a 2 for 1 special at Kmart) and have put their E3 predictions on the virtual page for everyone to tease them about in 2 weeks time. First on the list Microsoft. 

E3 2016 Predictions – Microsoft

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

It is a sure thing that Gears is going to have a big presence at the show. Microsoft is counting on big numbers for this one and from all reports, the game is looking like it is a high-quality bit of chainsawing action. Look for Microsoft to rev their Lancers as the first game show at their show.

Fairly Likely

I will set the scene for you, a large super expensive sports car is slowly lowered from the roof to introduce the crowd to Forza Horizon 3. I am more than ok with another Forza Horizon. These games take the super technical, if a little bland, racing of the main Forza series and inject it with a host of personality. I have yet to have more fun with a racing game then I had with Horizon 2 so I am super keen for the next entry.

Wishful Thinking

Microsoft continues its association with EA and brings Jet Li on stage to announce Jade Empire 2. At this point, I run around the house screaming like that annoying Culkin kid from Home Alone.

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Jade Empire needs to be on the comeback trail.

Sarah Ellen

Safe bet

The rumours have been prevalent that Microsoft will utilise a major component of its 90-minute presentation to highlight new hardware, and with recent Microsoft developments leading to streaming services (see Windows 10 PC’s streaming infrastructure), the safe bet seems to be on similar hardware for the XBox. The notion of being able to stream your videos and games make not seem to be ground-breaking, but Microsoft is endeavouring to gain the interest of larger households with multiple televisions, who would welcome the new hardware that would allow users to stream their games to available TVs with minimal fuss.

Fairly Likely

With a release date in October, it is fairly likely that further information will be presented at E3 simply because Microsoft want to show off The Coalition’s work on the next-gen offering. Gameplay footage is on the cards, highlighting the transition of the Gears of War franchise to Unreal Engine 4 and gameplay mechanics that focus on more dynamic cover (yes including meatshields!) To player advantage is a new melee option in the combat knife is a new melee option (also useful for executions), but further gameplay footage is certainly going to wow an already excited fanbase.

Wishful Thinking

Playstation VR has been the watercooler talk of Sony fans for the last few months, so wouldn’t it be interesting to see if Microsoft decides to utilise E3 2016 (rumoured to be a hardware-heavy E3) to announce further support for the Oculus Rift on XBox One?

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Yeah…. Gears will be there.

Matthew Ballinger 

Safe Bet

Gear of War 4, likely more story trailer and impressive statistics about how their beta went and possibly a few minutes of in-game footage. There have been murmurings about a slim edition of the current hardware and a future proofing edition to rival the rumored Sony console running on better specs with 4K support, I at least expect to see the slim model on stage.

Fairly Likely

I think with the success of nabbing themselves exclusivity with Rise of the Tomb Raider we can expect to see the results of similar deals. We are still waiting for the PS4 edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider so I feel like players who don’t have an XBONE are going to be salty.

Wishful Thinking

If they could just walk on stage and announce “We are letting RARE make a 3rd person adventure platformer” and then followed it up with a mic drop I would be totally satisfied. Nothing has annoyed me more about Microsoft in recent years than acquiring such a prestigious developer and only getting them to work on their gimmicks instead of letting them use the power of your console to work on things they are good at. I don’t bake oranges into a pie when I have apples, use your damn apples.

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Banjo Kazooie 3 is announced and the crowd explodes.

Paul James

Safe Bet

The marquee title for the Xbox One is Gears 4 and is sure to take centre stage at E3 2016. It’s safe to assume that as with past Gears games we’ll get a meaty new trailer as well as juicy new gameplay from both the campaign and multiplayer modes to enjoy. The release date for Gears of War 4 is rapidly approaching, so expect a major blowout this year as Gears 4 will inevitably take up a major portion of this year’s conference.

Fairly Likely

The grand return of Rare at E3 2015 was met with rapturous applause, and their newest work (Sea of Thieves) looks set to deliver. When the game was revealed nearly a year ago it was declared that the game would be coming out this year – well by the time of E3 we’ll be half way through 2016, so it’s time for Gameplay and a release date. Look out for both when Sea of Thieves hits the stage during Microsoft’s Press Conference.

Wishful Thinking

One can dream of a sequel to Sunset Overdrive right? It was Microsoft’s first new and exclusive IP to hit the mark this gen and I’m super keen for more. Though I do feel that Sunset Overdrive 2 is somewhere on the horizon, the developers at Insomniac are extremely busy, having already released Ratchet & Clank for PS4 as well as having a number of VR titles already in the works – Maybe we’ll be waiting one more year, but I can hope

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Sea of Thieves will hopefully bring Rare back to their glory days.

Stevie McDonald

Safe Bet

Last year I refrained, but this year I’m taking the easy way out with Halo. I’m not entirely sure what number in the series we’re up to (5? 6? 30?), but with the Halo Wars spinoff series and a healthy interest in remasters/rereleases, it’s safe to say Microsoft’s pet series will have some sort of E3 presence.

Fairly Likely 

Gears of War 4 has already been confirmed to have an October ’16 release date, so it’s fairly likely we’ll some sign of it at E3 this year.

Wishful Thinking

New Tomb Raider game. Rise of the Tomb Raider isn’t even a year old yet but I’m already chomping at the bit for another (or a PS4 port? Please…?).

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Will Halo make an appearance this year?

James Swinbanks

Safe Bet

Crackdown 3. This needs to happen, because it’s been too long since I chased orbs throughout a dank city whilst crushing punks, mutants and mutant punks. Also, after the short taste that was the explosive multiplayer teaser Microsoft showed off last year, fans will be clamouring for some campaign action.

Fairly Likely

ReCore was one of the new IP’s revealed by Microsoft at last year’s E3, and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of it since. It looked like it’s got plenty of potential and with the news that Joe Staten, one of the lead writers of the Halo series, is part of the project, that potential only continues to grow.

Wishful Thinking

Look Microsoft, I know when you made Lost Odyssey, you weren’t expecting it to be as popular as it was. So, I’m willing to OVERLOOK the fact that you haven’t made it available on backwards compatibility yet, but ONLY if you surprise everyone by dropping a Lost Odyssey 2 bomb on everyone in your press conference.

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Ok ReCore. Time to show us what you are all about.

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Gears of War 4. GOW is Microsoft’s Golden Child and it’s usually a ticket to success (like most Hollywood kids are) so I won’t be at all surprised to see more come out about this.

Fairly Likely 

If Sony is going to announce another console at E3 it’s fair to say Microsoft will probably do the same thing, original as they are. The trend to extend the lifespan of this current generation of consoles is one I (and my wallet) actually like, so go ahead Microsoft. Do the thing.

Wishful Thinking

Bioware’s new IP partnering with Microsoft. They teased this last year so it could happen, but I want it to be something that’s going to capture hearts and souls like DA and Mass Effect do. And until I hear anything else about it, I’m going to remain sceptical and within my little bubble of wishful thinking.

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Dragon Age 4? Who knows?

Adam Rorke

Safe Bet

Well the cat’s out of the bag, so it’s fairly certain that we’ll see detailed news and information about the XBOX 1.5 … or was that the XBOX ONE TWO? Hype marketing is saying it will be smaller but up to four times faster! Sorry if I seem a bit meh about this but I saw the word teraflop and my eyes glazed over.

Fairly Likely

Well, 2016 is definitely the year of Virtual Reality, this is the year we’ll hopefully see anyone who’s anyone jumping on board with games that will support the new medium. Microsoft has already stated that they’ll be teaming up with Oculus, hopefully we’ll actually see some titles being announced with some tasty gameplay videos!

Wishful Thinking

I can see it now, the news of the new hardware is released, the pricing is revealed, but oh wait, what’s this? An option to upgrade your current XBOX One to the new hardware for a portion of the cost? Why yes I WOULD like to be rewarded for supporting your console early without having to fork out another $600! Thanks Microsoft!

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Microsoft and Oculus joining forces? Possibly.

Stephen del Prado

Safe Bet

Microsoft stand firm and highlight their upcoming exclusives with Gears 4 and Halo Wars 2 dominating this portion of the presentation.

Fairly Likely

In keeping with previous years, Microsoft announces an exclusivity deal with DICE that will keep Battlefield One content on the Xbox One for a set period of time. The Xbone Slim is announced and will release in time for Holidays 2016.

Wishful Thinking

The rumoured Xbox One-Two will launch in late 2017 packaged with Minecraft 2 and a Hololens.

E3 2016 Predictions - Microsoft
Some Halo Wars 2 gameplay footage would be nice.

Stay tuned for the rest of our conference predictions over the coming days, starting with Sony tomorrow.

Other E3 2016 Predictions:





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