Represent Me is Guiding Everyone Towards a More Inclusive Future

Represent Me is Guiding Everyone Towards a More Inclusive Future

Those cool cats over at Represent Me are at it again. On their never-ending quest to make the world a better place for everyone, no matter their background or orientation, the team at Represent Me have put together some fantastic guides and materials that should help everyone to both educate themselves and improve their workplace at the same time.

These guides have been put together so people who want to do the right thing but are too embarrassed to ask personal questions can learn about the appropriate ways to behave, treat and interact with a diverse community without giving any unintended offence. They are the perfect resource for small businesses, community gatherings and even websites like Player 2, places that can’t afford to get a professional in to make sure everything is on the up and up and everyone is being treated with the respect and care they deserve.

But don’t just believe me, here are some words from Dr Alayna Cole, Board member of Represent Me:

What are the Best Practice Guidelines?

Our Best Practice Guidelines are a collection of free and paid resources. They are designed to help individuals and organisations who are seeking guidance on how to approach diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. They are a fantastic alternative for teams who are unable to afford an individualised consultation package but still want to improve the way they are representing and championing diversity.

All contributors to the Best Practice Guidelines are paid and have lived experience in the areas that they are writing and reviewing. What can people download? Our free glossary currently contains more than 100 terms and is designed to introduce the reader to concepts that they may not have considered before, explore why these topics are important, and kickstart further research and understanding.

Our paid guides are longer action-oriented documents. They aim to educate the reader about a particular social group or concept but also include advice on how to respectfully approach various situations in content, workplaces, and other environments with tangible steps.

All paid guides have been written by a consultant with lived experience and reviewed by at least two similarly experienced consultants.

Where do the proceeds for paid guides go?

All proceeds on paid resources go towards Represent Me’s future projects, including updated editions of the Best Practice Guidelines. By paying for these resources, you are ensuring consultants from underrepresented groups receive a fair wage for their work.

How do we access the guidelines?

All free and paid resources are available here: 

The board of Represent Me, Dr Alayna Cole, Jess Zammit, Dr Dakoda Barker and Ashton McAllen

So as you can see, a lot of work has gone into these resources to make them as informative, practical and useful as possible. I strongly believe that encouraging and supporting diversity in all its forms should be a prime goal for every single person alive and the team at Represent Me are doing what they can to make that easier.

Well done I say. Well Done.

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