Persona 3 Reload | Hype Check

Persona 3 Reload | Hype Check

With Person 3 Reload now only a days away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Persona 3 Reload.

Matt Hewson

Honestly everything about this franchise just rubs me the wrong way and I have no idea why. Is it the graphic style? The reputation for massive size? The whole day/night thing? I have no idea. There is just something about it that I can’t get past. Really not for me so I am happy to see this one sail past me in the night. 

Jess Zammit

Ahh, Persona. One day I’ll get into this series. It has all the ingredients to be something I’ll love, but you know what it doesn’t have? Any regard for my time, and the fact that I don’t have a spare fifty million hours. But who knows! Maybe I’ll give it a try. Is this game the place to start? Maybe it is! I’ve sorta got some time to spare. 

Paul James

My interest in Persona 3 Reload should be closer to 10 than 0, but the big obstacle to me getting into Persona 3 is the fact that I’ve not yet played a Persona. By rights, Persona 3 Reload, a remake of the game that caused the franchise to blow up in the West, should actually be jumping off point for me, and if I somehow find some time, it will end up being that, but with a swathe of games that I am into all launching in this Feb/Mar window, Persona 3 is just going to need to be patient.

Renee O'Flynn

Persona 3 was the first Persona game I played. I still own my PS2 copy of FES and my PSP copy of P3P. These are two different versions of the game. FES adds an extra chapter following one of the characters that is not the protagonist, while P3P adds a female protagonist as well as a variety of quality of life changes that is now commonplace in P4: Golden and P5: Royal. This leads me to wonder why they’ve chosen to recreate the FES model rather than fuse the two versions together. Tim has said he thinks it’s a blatant money grab and if that’s the case, I’m pretty disappointed. This is a chance for everyone to live out their emo dreams but having two versions instead of one superior one is just upsetting.  

Stephen Del Prado

Having completed Persona 3 way back when, I’m somewhat interested in what an updated version might bring, especially if the Dungeons can be brought up to the level of those found in more recent entries. Having loved Persona 4: Golden and thinking that Persona 5 was far too long even without the Royal DLC, a return trip to P3 might remind me why I fell in love with the series in the first place.

How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Persona 3: Reload? Let us know on our various social channels!


Time Until Launch (February 2, 2024)


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