Go for Pro – Texas BAM

Go for Pro – Texas BAM

A showdown in Texas

Just over a week ago there was quite the showdown in a place they call Texas. Viewers were treated with extremely high level fighting game action amongst the best in the world in Smash Bros, Ultra SF4, Killer Instinct and much more.

For Ultra SF4 it came down to two well known players, Snake Eyes and Infiltration, both of whom need no introduction. As usual, Snake Eyes was rocking his Gief and Infiltration sticking with Akuma. Infiltration was looking solid all day and made his way to the end in the winners bracket. Things were looking quite dicey when Snake Eyes ran with his momentum and reset the bracket, so dicey that Infiltration switched to Ryu after the reset.

Both players were trading blow for blow and it looked like anyone could take it, in an attempt to break Snake Eyes from his rhythm, Infiltration switched to Rolento and in an absolute nail biter won the final round in a very close time out to take the win!

Go here to check out the finals, its well worth a watch:


It’s quite exciting to see a new fighter on the scene and currently that title goes to Mortal Kombat X. We’re quickly seeing who the favourites are and the higher tier characters of choice. That being said, with every patch things are being evened out quite a lot and we’re seeing some nice diversity in the top 8 from the Texas Showdown.

The finals were between Digit (Raiden) and ChrisG (Kung Jin). MK X seems to be a game all about meter management and momentum with Raiden clearly being a favourite with his combo’s hitting the 40+ percent damage on a regular basis. This is what finally brought down ChrisG, just too many hard hitting combos and safe hits. ChrisG made it quite competitive though but Digit clearly had the edge, see the full fight here:


It wasn’t all bad news for ChrisG though, his game of choice, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is still clearly where his talents lie and he out did RayRay to take the title here:


Last but not least, the Killer Instinct match came down between Bass NS (Spinal) and MyGod (Sabrewolf). MyGod reset the bracket and was looking quite dangerous but Bass’ proved that Spinal just has too many answers in the hands of a right player with mix ups coming out of even corner of the screen and took the first place title in an exciting back and forth match up.

For more results of all the games played you can see the results here: 

And you can see the full bracket results on Challenge here: 

Ka – BAM!

It was also on this weekend that Australia ran one of its bigger FGC tournaments, BAM7.

As many already knew, Perfect Legend was flown in to mix it up with Australia’s best at MK X, and he didn’t disappoint. As one commentator said, the game seems to run faster when Perfect Legend is playing. Using his bread and butter character, Kung Lao, Perfect Legend made short work of everyone, completing blitzing everyone he came up against. Baxter tried his best to make it competitive and managed to steal a round, but in the end it was the Perfect Legend and Kung Lao show.

When it comes to fast and furious games on the FGC eSports level, non come quite as close as Super Smash Bros. A favourite with the crowds as always, the Singles in Smash Bros Melee didn’t disappoint with Mang0 (Falco) and Leffen (Fox) making their way to the finals. After much back and forth though, Mang0 proved he was the better player on the day, taking first place.


The biggest surprise on the day though was in the Ultra SF4 results. Waza, using Rolento, was looking undefeatable all day, and after convincingly dispatching of Perfect Legends Yun, it looked like a run away tournament. Until that is he met Somniac in the finals who reset the bracket and stole the glory with his M Bison.

For more results you can view them here:


And just quickly, a note to all that OPL has started back up again with Split 2, which will eventually end with the top 2 teams facing off at Luna Park towards the end of this year.

You can check their schedule here. You can also use the hash tag #IAMOPL on twitter for more information.

Go for Pro

Adam Rorke

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