E3 Predictions 2015 – EA

This time of year is basically Christmas for gamers. News, reveals, surprises and teases all appear during E3 that get players hyped for the next wave of games coming to their favourite system. Here at Player2 we thought it would be fun to look at the upcoming E3 and make some predictions as to what we will see coming. So Matt, Stevie, Adam, Stephen and Jenn sat down and thought about what we will see, what we might see and what would be nice to see. We will be doing one predictions article per conference in the lead up to E3. It is now EA’s turn up to bat.

E3 Predictions 2015 – EA

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

This one is all about the Battlefront. EA fought hard to get that Star Wars licence so expect to see tonnes about about the new Battlefront game. My biggest worry at this point is that it turns out to be a reskinned Battlefield but hopefully EA will put my fears to rest with a mind blowing showing.

Fairly Likely

Ok I may be the only person on the planet that is seriously considering a Rory Mcilory Golf pre-order. Golf games hold some dear memories for me so I can’t wait to see what EA come up with after an absence from the genre. The EA presser however probably won’t go into much detail

Wishful Thinking

With the success of Elite and Star Citizen I hope against hope that Peter Moore walks on stage looks at the camera and says “X-wing Vs Tie Fighter 2”. He then drops the mic and walks off knowing that no one can beat that.

E3 Predictions 2015 - EA
All I want for Christmas is a new X-wing

Adam Rorke

Safe Bet

Sports – EA always deliver on the sports gaming front, and deliver well. Whether its Boxing, Soccer, NBA or Golf, you can expect an updated and better version everyone year on these successful titles.

Fairly Likely

UFC 2016 – I know this is technically a sports title, but the only reason we suspect that we’ll see this at E3 is because I listen to a Podcast from one of the commentators of the UFC who mentioned he’d be working in the ‘sound room’ all day in one such episode. That pretty much confirms it for me, but are they far enough ahead in development that we’ll see it at E3? There’s a good chance we’ll, at the very least, get a short trailer.

Wishful Thinking

Command and Conquer Reboot – OK I’ll admit it, I’ll always have a soft spot for this series. Has it done its dash though? I suspect not, and I think it’s just the right time to reboot the series and start from scratch with eSports in its headlights!

E3 Predictions 2015 - EA
Could Kane make a comeback?

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Sports. Do I need to say more? Every year we get a raft of sport games from this company and this year will be no exception. Expect sports and lots of ‘em.

Fairly Likely

Mass Effect 4- Dragon Age 3 has had its time in the sun (and oh what glorious time that was) so now it’s time for the game’s sci-fi brother to step into the limelight. I’ve never been a fan of science fiction, but maybe this upcoming title will lure me in. (I doubt it, but still… hotties in space I am 1000% ok with).

Wishful Thinking

Dragon Age Inquisition Expansion- GIVE IT TO ME. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENS AFTER DA:I ENDS? WHAT IS GOING ON? There are so many questions I need answers for and so far EA has given me nothing except some scrappy DLC that brought me no story. If I don’t find out what the deal is with Solas soon I am going to kick some asses.

E3 Predictions 2015 - EA
Some people can’t let Dragon Age go.

Stevie McDonald

Safe bet

Need For Speed – There have been NFS-related bits of news darting around for a while now and a new entry into the series is officially confirmed. E3 2015 is the place to change this lack of knowledge.

Fairly likely

Mass Effect (not) 4 – The next instalment in the Mass Effect series is apparently going to be released in early 2016. If that rumour holds any water, it’s likely there will be more than a bit of fuss made about it at this year’s E3.

Wishful Thinking

FIFA 2017 onwards – In the interest of fairness, the next 20 FIFAs will have no male gender option, then will revert to genderless crash test dummies thereafter.

E3 Predictions 2015 - EA
Is Need for Speed going underground again?

Stephen del Prado 

Safe Bet

Need for Speed returns, its  basically Underground but they don’t call it Underground. Press proceed to call it NFSU anyway.

Fairly Likely

EA show off a plethora of upcoming Star Wars titles alongside Battlefront. On the cards are a squad based FPS, a pod racing sim and a space combat sim. EA deny that they are simply rehashing the best Star Wars games of the past.

Wishful Thinking

EA announce their renewed focus on the racing genre and resurrect Criterion, tasking them with their greatest creation yet – Burnout Universe.  Guns and Roses simultaneously reunite to write the soundtrack.

E3 Predictions 2015 - EA
Crash Mode Comeback

Other Predictions: Microsoft – Sony – Nintendo  Ubisoft  Bethesda  Square Enix

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