News Bites – Friday the 17th of July

So much news to share in so little time. That is where the Player2 News Bites comes in. All the hot topics in small easy to chew pieces.

News Bites – Friday  the 17th of July

–  After being kicked off for legal reasons, The Merc with the Mouth is back on Steam. That’s right the Deadpool game is back on PC’s everywhere. The game is a serviceable action romp that just happens to be one of the funniest things available on the computer and is well worth Steam sale prices. Unfortunately the game is not coming back to the Xbox 360 and PS3

– The Uncharted collection, coming in October this year, will apparently have a few more updates than the expected graphical facelift. The first is the removal of the terrible motion controls in the first game (praise the lord). The second is improved enemy damage so soldiers are no longer the bullet sponges of old. Finally all three games will have a brand new “super hard” difficulty level. Some nice additions to some already outstanding games.

Drake is getting more than a facelift
Drake is getting more than a facelift

– According to Kotaku Australia, EB games have been told that the Batman: Arkham Knight PC release will not be repaired until spring which means September at the earliest but possibly as late as November. To say that this situation is an absolute disgrace is an under statement and hopefully PC Gamers who have already purchased the game will be compensated in some way to make up for this debacle.

Batman is still downright broken
Batman is still downright broken

– Van Helsing developer NeocoreGames announced there next project will be set in the Warhammer 40000 universe. Entitled Inquisitor Martyr the game is being described as a persistent online action RPG and considering the developers background that should come as no surprise. The game is scheduled for 2016 and will be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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