E3 2016 Predictions – Square Enix

E3 is just around the corner folks and you know what that means. That’s right, wildly inaccurate predictions as to what will appear at the show. The Player 2 crew has once again gotten together and gazed into their crystal balls (there was a 2 for 1 special at Kmart) and have put their E3 predictions on the virtual page for everyone to tease them about in 2 weeks time. Square Enix is next on the list. 

E3 2016 Predictions – Square Enix

Paul James

Safe Bet

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – While Square-Enix have always been known for their incredible Japanese influenced titles, but their acquisition of Eidos was a game changer for them. As a result, Square-Enix gained Tomb Raider, Hitman, Thief and of course Deus Ex, which they sensationally revived in 2010. The follow-up, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has built up quite the hype train, and with only a couple months before release, it’s a sure thing that we’ll see more of the game at E3 – I for one can’t wait.

Fairly Likely

Final Fantasy XV – If it weren’t for Uncharted 4, Final Fantasy XV would have been my most anticipated game of the year. I’ve been in love with the franchise from the moment I started gaming and picked up Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy XV has promised so much, and from the two hands on experiences that I’ve already had, it appears on track to deliver. A new trailer, a new gameplay demo (or two) and more should all be expected at E3 this year – the only reason I don’t consider this a certainty is that we had the

Wishful Thinking

Dragon Quest XI – There’s not a chance that Dragon Quest XI will show its face at E3 2016. The game was announced in July of 2015, but historically the franchise just doesn’t appear at E3. Dragon Quest is enormous in Japan but in the West, the fanbase is much, much smaller, so E3 isn’t the right place for Square-Enix to reveal more – I can cross my fingers though.

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Worst Boy Band Ever

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

Adam Jensen and JC Denton are two of my favourite characters ever and hopefully we see the two meet in Mankind Divided. I cannot put into words how much I love the Deus Ex franchise (yes I even enjoyed Invisible War) and I am super pumped for the latest entry. Hopefully, we can see more of the open-ended gameplay and some indications of the new tech tree.

Fairly Likely

I am excited to see more of I Am Setsuna. Chrono Trigger is probably my favourite JRPG ever and to hear that this game is very much in the same vain has me excited. I want proof though so I hope the Square conference goes into details about the game and gives old school 16bit JRPG fans something to get excited about.

Wishful Thinking

The Legacy of Kain returns. I dream that one day Raziel and Kain return to our world and once again bring their wonderfully gothic storytelling to gaming. Both characters were beautifully created anti-heroes and their stories were supremely entertaining. The world is ready Square bring back the lord of vampires and the soul reaver. We need them.

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Adam Jensen didn’t ask for it but we sure did

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Squeenix announced their new IP, Project Setsuna a while ago, and I’ve seen seeing ads for it all over the shop- so more on that is on the cards this year I reckon. I also think (read: hope to all holy freaking hell) we get more info on the PS4 version of Tomb Raider that’s due out. JUST GIVE ME MY GODDAMN GAME YOU BASTARDS.

Fairly Likely

Final Fantasy! With the reboot of 7 being announced last year ( finally oh my god) and 15 due out later this year, I reckon we’ll see some more come out about that.

Wishful Thinking

Seriously the only thing I wanted from Square Enix I got last year. I saw the teaser for the reboot of Final Fantasy 7 and I cried like a little bitch. Wishing for anything else this year just seems selfish.

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Tomb Raider to return to PS4?

James Swinbanks

Safe Bet

With the announcement of a movie coming alongside the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, I think this is a pretty safe bet to be on the show floor this year. It’s their big one, so not having it there so close to release would be a hugely missed opportunity to get that hype train moving along.

Fairly Likely

The follow-up to 2011’s Human Revolution is due a couple of months after E3, so I would expect to see a pretty comprehensive look at the new Deus Ex. Fingers crossed it’s shaping up to be every bit as good as I found Human Revolution.

Wishful Thinking

A JRPG that doesn’t have an emo protagonist – OK so we have Final Fantasy XV coming, but I’m utterly sick of having to play some super emo teen who hates the world but has to save it anyway. A JRPG protagonist that has a different perspective on things might be the breath of fresh air the genre needs in my eyes. Imagine a One Punch Man-esque JRPG about a superhero who doesn’t really care, they are just looking to have some fun?

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Drama, drama everywhere.

Stevie McDonald

Safe Bet

Something something Final Fantasy. With three games to garner hype for and a very dedicated fan base, it’s a sure thing we’ll be seeing some beautiful anime men and big ol’ swords during Square’s conference.

Fairly Likely

There have been rumours and much teasing about some big news regarding Tomb Raider, but so far Square have kept mum. Could it be DLC? A (personally, much longed-for) PS4 port? A NEW GAME?! It’s fairly likely we’ll find out soon.

Wishful Thinking

All of Square’s major franchises have released a game within the last year or two (even those that probably shouldn’t have, Thief) or are about to release a new game. But one series has lain dormant for almost 15 years now. Come on, Square, announce a new Legacy of Kain series and let Simon Templeman’s dulcet tones caress my ears once more!

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Kain and Raziel are missed greatly

Adam Rorke

Safe Bet

Hoping to forget the PR nightmare that was the pre-order ‘bonuses’, I think we’ll see a new focus for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The 2011 release had its problems, sure, but it also had a lot of good things going for it as well. I’m hoping they paid attention to the feedback and criticisms and that they address these at E3 just shy of its August 2016 release.

Fairly Likely

Come on, the Final Fantasy IP is as much a part of Square Enix as Mario is to Nintendo. This title hits us in September, we’ve all seen the demos, and it’s going to be at E3 along with all the bells and whistles that Square Enix can afford I’m sure.

Wishful Thinking

They announce a release date for the new Final Fantasy 7 game. Is this out of the realm of possibility? I think so because they wouldn’t want it to interrupt the Final Fantasy game for 2016, that’s just sensible marketing right there. But hey, a fanboy like me can still hope, right?

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Ok we are a little excited about Deus Ex

Sarah Ellen

Safe Bet

I don’t understand much about the Final Fantasy series, except that its fans collectively lose their minds at the prospect of a new Final Fantasy game or even the remaster of a previous Final Fantasy game. So it is going to be a safe bet that one of these two things will happen at E3. Final Fantasy XV has had a little more media attention recently so I figure it is on its way to E3 to demonstrate something to make the fans very happy.

Fairly Likely

Square has noted that I Am Setsuna will be playable at E3 2016 for everyone who wants a next-gen JRPG that re-engages with classic JRPG story, characters and mechanics. It is slotted for digital release in 2016 (already out in Japan though) and is already boasting its battle system’s homage to Chrono Trigger and even some inspiration from Ni No Kuni. The question remains whether Square will show this off at its own conference, or if they will pass it over to Sony who have exclusive rights to the console digital release at the moment.

Wishful Thinking

PS4 gamers want Tomb Raider. Sort it out.

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
A return to the classic style of yore

Stephen del Prado

Safe Bet

Given their impending releases, Square won’t waste the opportunity to highlight Final Fantasy 15, Deus Ex, and the western release of Dragon Quest VII for 3DS. They’ll also catch everybody up on the progress of their Final Fantasy VII Remake, some overpriced or freemium mobile titles and preview some Hitman and Dragon Quest XI.

Fairly Likely

While they detail the long overdue release of Rise of the Tomb Raider for PS4, it seems fitting that Crystal Dynamics might also show what they’re currently working on. With recent rumours, it wouldn’t be out of left field for Square to have some more remakes on the cards – Chrono Trigger could be a winner, but it might depend on how well received I AM SETSUNA is.

Wishful Thinking

If they wanted to make me truly happy, Square-Enix would announce not a Chrono Trigger remake, but a Chrono sequel – I’d rather something new in that franchise. While they’re at it, how about a new Final Fantasy Tactics?

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
Will Chrono Trigger finally make a return?

Matthew Ballinger

Safe Bet

After a lukewarm reception from their Platinum Demo, Final Fantasy XV is almost guaranteed to have a big presence and showing off some more gorgeous visuals. We should see some gameplay for both the episodic Final Fantasy VII Remake and the long anticipated Kingdom Hearts 3 with the latter hopefully revealing some new Disney or even Pixar locations. I’d be pumped for something adapted from Lucas Arts or Marvel also but that is probably a long shot.

Fairly Likely

There will probably be some promotion for the remaining Hitman episodes and a reminder that we can collect them all in a disc package later this year. There could be mention of a new Tomb Raider even though the second entry of the current series is still not out on Playstation 4. Square Enix have been doubling down on publishing indie titles with an incentive program they have been running, we should see hype reel showcasing the fruits of that labor.

Wishful Thinking

Chrono Trigger Remastered, then generation is super heavy on the remakes and Square Enix has brought back Final Fantasy VII because of how well loved the game is by fans but every developer I know who grew up with a Super Nintendo sites Chrono Trigger as a game that inspired them and it’s easy to see why. This is as sure fire way to start printing money, get on it!

E3 2016 Predictions - Square Enix
More Hitman episodes are probably a sure thing. 

Other E3 2016 Predictions

MicrosoftSony – Nintendo



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