E3 2017 Predictions – Sony

With E3 just around the corner, it is once again time for the Player 2 crew to get their crystal balls out of the attic and make some wildly inaccurate predictions as to what will appear at the world’s biggest games show. First on the list is Sony. 

E3 2017 Predictions – Sony

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

With Naughty Dog winding down the Uncharted franchise you can bet your bottom dollar we get a good look at its last hurrah, Lost Legacy. Expect to see some more gameplay and maybe some sort of multiplayer announcement. I am super excited to take on that style of gameplay with both Nadine and Chloe so I can wait to see more.

Fairly Likely

Kratos in the house. The world’s angriest warrior is back and Sony are likely to show a more substantial slice of gameplay. I can’t see the game getting released this year but we might get a release date, sometime around March/April 2018 would be my guess.

Wishful Thinking

I want more Infamous. I don’t think it is coming but I want it. It would be super awesome for Sony to announce a new game in the franchise that allows for multiple playable characters and of course, some more fancy super powers.  It is about time Sony, listen to your inner voice, you know it is time.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Matthew Ballinger

Safe Bet

Sony Bloodbourne II baby! From Software partnered with Sony for the original Bloodbourne which took the Dark Souls formula into a Lovecraftian wet dream. With the final DLC wrapping a pretty little bow around Dark Souls 3 earlier this year FromSoft fans are salivating for information on what the studio is working on next.

Fairly Likely

This new Uncharted spin-off has gone from DLC to stand alone title so we are sure to see more of what they have been working on.

 Wishful thinking

Crash Team Racing Deluxe, put it straight in my veins.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Death Stranding. Gimme gimme gimme. Norman Reedus and Hideo Kojima are such a bomb duo and I can’t wait to see more of this title. It’s probably going to terrify the heck out of me when it actually comes to playing it, but I’m excited either way. Ever since The Walking Dead I’ve been such a Reedus fangirl that it’s stupid, so, let me refer you back to my first point of ‘gimme gimme gimme’.

Fairly Likely

I want to see more of Red Dead Redemption 2! With the game being pushed back, this is the perfect opportunity to create more hype. It’s been rumoured that gameplay footage is going to appear in the Microsoft conference but I think Sony is just as likely. RDR was one of the greatest games I played on the PS3- I even braved the zombie expansion because I was just that into it, so I’m incredibly keen to see some more of the new title.

Wishful Thinking

Every year I say the same thing- FINAL.FANTASY.SEVEN. Could you just reveal more of it please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I NEED TO SEE MORE. It was recently revealed that the crossdressing scene is going to stay in the remake (and damn well it should, that scene is fantastic) so that’s a starting point as something to show me. JUST LET ME SEE SOMETHING I AM DYING OH MY GOD.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Paul James

Safe Bet

God of War – There are a few things in this life that are certain, Death, Taxes, Richmond being a mediocre Football team and Kratos dissecting gigantic monsters with barely a flick of his wrist. This God of War reboot got more than a few tongues wagging after its reveal last year and amidst growing speculation that it may actually be ready for release this year, Sony will undoubtedly give the game some significant airtime, and put those release date rumours to rest, one way or another.

Fairly Likely

Spiderman PS4 – The Marvel hype machine continues to march on, and following the successes of the million movies they released in 2016 alone, there’s no reason to suggest things will slow down anytime soon. Insomniac is at the helm of the PS4 game, and while development is still in the fairly early stages, both the developers and Sony seem fairly happy with the game’s progress. E3 would be the time to give us a progress report.

Wishful Thinking

Death Stranding – So Death Stranding is a buzz game and Hideo Kojima is a buzz name, but the time has come for both to disappear for a while. This is the call I’m perhaps the most hesitant about because we know how much Kojima loves the spotlight, while we also know how willing Sony will be to give it to him, but I have to believe that in E3 2017 Mr. Kojima will remain in Japan and will continue to work on the game, because with every delay to put together a new game, the further away we stand from its release.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Sarah Ellen

Safe Bet

Destiny 2 is going to get a lot of love during the Sony E3, by sheer virtue that Playstation has guaranteed timed exclusive content until late 2018. That’s twelve months of promise for a game that had a rather shaky start on its first outing, and Bungie would be smart to hop onto the Sony conference just to quell some of the trepidation of the original fan base (and hey, if they fail, then Blizzard will pick up the pieces I’m sure!). Personally, I hope for Peter Dinklagebot 2.0…

Fairly Likely

God of War was a noticeable absence from the Playstation Experience event that was held in early December 2016, with feedback from SIE Santa Monica that they wanted to show something “awesome” when it was ready. With additional advice a few weeks later stating that the game was in a playable state, it would be likely that they were holding out to put the new iteration on show at E3 2017.

Wishful Thinking

Is it bad that I would like the option to clean up my PS4 menu screen just a little bit, and delete all of the goddamn icons that I don’t want and will never install even if I was in a ridiculous drunken state and used my precious ADSL2 to install them for a laugh? No. No it is not bad. It’s not even advertising, Sony. It’s clutter. Let me just get rid of the stuff!

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Adam Rorke

Safe bet

I was considering this entry for the fairly likely part, but let’s be honest here, there’s a very good chance the new God of War will get a bunch of air time at this year’s E3. The real question is what new news will we get? I think one of two things are going to occur here:

If it’s a 2018 release we’ll get a bunch of new gameplay footage with some big ‘wow’ moments, or …

We’ll get a release date for this year with an official spruced up trailer that will leave the crowds cheering.

Fairly likely

With a September release date already announced, it’s fairly likely that we’ll see some Marvel vs Capcom Infinite gameplay footage with some new reveals for the cast. Even though Capcom’s track record hasn’t been wonderful lately, I’m also anticipating an update in the graphical department. When’s Mahvel? E3 2017, that’s when!

Wishful thinking

A big list of VR games that don’t look like overpriced demos and instead are full-length masterpieces, any of which could be a killer app! I’ve been a fan of VR ever since I first tried an Oculus Rift … the tech is here, the games aren’t though. Make it happen Sony!

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Stevie McDonald

Safe bet

Sony has a range of quality exclusive games to showcase, so it’s basically a sure thing we’ll see footage from titles such as The Last of Us II, Uncharted: Lost Legacy and Death Stranding.

Fairly likely

Speaking of which, if Death Stranding makes an appearance, it’s fairly likely old mate Kojima will be along for the ride. What sort of unique stage antics might he get up to? Oh Hideo!

Wishful thinking

While a new game of any sort from From Software is not really that far out of the realm of possibility, I’m going to narrow it down more specifically to the announcement of Bloodborne 2. If for no other reason than my fanciful Sony predictions have a weird way of coming true, and if this one does, my husband will Flip. His. Shit.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Stephen del Prado

Safe Bet

Given the proximity of Scorpios release, Sony will announce a hefty price drop on the PS4Pro console as well as the Slim. I’m thinking somewhere around the AU$400-450 mark for the Pro with the Slim hitting AU$280-300. Bundle in a decent game, and I’m willing to bet that the PSPro will look like a pretty sweet deal given some of the figures bandied about for the Scorpio price.

Fairly likely

Sony will play it cool and, rather than focus too much on hardware, will continue to push games as the reason Xbox has half the sales. Spiderman, Days Gone, God of War and The Last of Us 2 will all feature to keep PlayStation fans hungry for more, with the former receiving release dates in the near future.

Wishful Thinking

It should be no surprise that I’m throwing caution to the wind and holding out hope that Level 5 will take to the stage to announce Dark Cloud 3, right before the Bloodborne 2 reveal – both of which will be playable on the Vita 2.

E3 2017 Predictions - Sony

Other Predictions are all available at our E3 Hub

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