E3 2017 Predictions – Microsoft

With E3 just around the corner, it is once again time for the Player 2 crew to get their crystal balls out of the attic and make some wildly inaccurate predictions as to what will appear at the world’s biggest games show. It is now Microsoft’s time to shine

E3 2017 Predictions – Microsoft

Stephen del Prado

Safe Bet

The Scorpio is both priced and dated with a focus on how it will improve 3rd party titles. It’s also a safe bet that the price will be at a point that puts most casual players off and only appeals to the ‘hardcore’ Xbox fanbase – a group they have already stated is the target audience for the system.

Fairly likely

A barrage of Scorpio exclusive and enhanced titles are shown to drum up some hype for its release. Crackdown 3 finally gets a release date along with Forza 7 and a host of patches for already available titles that will up the resolution and frames per second are announced. I tell Microsoft to let me know when Forza Horizon 4 releases and then maybe I’ll give a damn what they’re doing.

Wishful Thinking

Microsoft reveals their support for not only Alan Wake 2 but also Deadly Premonition 2 – they’re in a festive mood with Twin Peaks returning to television. What the hell, here’s another season of D4 to boot!

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Paul James

Safe Bet

Sea of Thieves – Supposedly releasing this year, Microsoft seems to be fairly bullish about Sea of Thieves, the next big thing from the rejuvenated Rare Ltd. We’ve seen snippets of the game at the last two E3’s and 2017 would have to be the year where the curtain is ripped back and we get major slices of gameplay, a release date/window and a bit more insight into what makes the game tick.

Fairly Likely

Crackdown 3 – Crackdown doesn’t tickle my fancy particularly, however there are some fans out there who cannot get enough of this franchise and with Scorpio around the corner, Crackdown 3 may serve as the centerpiece to show what this new hardware can achieve. It’s been radio silence from the team for quite some time and with an (apparent) lack of 1st Party IP on the way, the path is clear for Crackdown 3 to dominate the stage.


Wishful Thinking

Sunset Overdrive 2 – Sorry guys, Sunset Overdrive was awesome, but we’re just not going to see another game in that franchise for quite some time. With Insomniac juggling a million and one games for Oculus VR as well as Spiderman for the PS4, it’s hard to see them having the resources to commit to a game that criminally underperformed on the sales charts. I would love to be wrong… but I’m fairly sure I’m not. Come on Insomniac, prove me wrong… please!

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Sarah Ellen

Safe Bet

With Sony focusing on its relationships with established developments (assuming Bungie, Square Enix and EA hop to the Playstation to show some of their wares), Microsoft could utilise the opportunity to promote some of its independent game developers. Hit the industry right in the feels. Give the little people some love. …Basically, I just want to see more Cuphead please. I know it’s releasing this year, Microsoft. You know what to do.

Fairly Likely

My brother has been teasing me mercilessly about Project Scorpio and how my gaming life is so horribly incomplete without a Microsoft platform in the house. There was talk a few weeks ago about a Christmas 2017 release. Even if that date is incorrect, this would be the E3 to start getting the hype going for a new Q4 2017 or Q1 2018 console.

Wishful Thinking

Microsoft actually goes a year without a frickin’ Halo game. No new game. No re-releases of old games. Maybe you could resurrect Scalebound instead, huh?

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Matthew Ballinger

Safe Bet

Everything Scorpio, What will be the line up of must have games for the updated system and what the system can actually do.

Fairly Likely

Hey Xbone owners, we swear we still have stuff for you…promise.

Wishful thinking

Give me back Conker dammit, Project Spark cameo aside we haven’t seen anything from the little bugger since the OG Xbox remaster.

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Stevie McDonald

Safe bet

Unwilling to let Sony take the lead in cutting edge technology, Microsoft announced their latest innovation in consoles: Project Scorpio. You can be sure to expect oodles of details and specs outlining what Scorpio can do at Microsoft’s latest E3 outing – if only it had a better library of games to back it up.

Fairly likely

I’m going to go twofold on this one. Having taken a rather cheap jab at Microsoft’s range of games for the Xbox One, I figure it’s fairly likely they’ll go one of two ways this E3: Either a new IP will be announced to help carry Scorpio forward, or more titles will be confirmed for Microsoft’s increasingly popular range of backwards compatible games, complementing the old with the new.

Wishful thinking

Remember when Microsoft wanted to position their console as the centre of your household’s entertainment? Remember how they envisioned an all-encompassing unit that could do games, movies, everything? Remember Kinect?! Wouldn’t it be awesome if they announced Project Scorpio could not only do all of that (properly) but cook you a three-course meal too? Now *that* would be cool.

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Adam Rorke

Safe bet

Without looking at my co-writers pieces I’m willing to bet a beer that we’ve all come to the same conclusion … project Scorpio. Full details on specs, price, performance, release dates and more marketing buzz words than you can poke a discarded Kinect 2.0 at! I get bonus points if they use the word teraflop!

Fairly likely

Even though I was severely disappointed last year when it got delayed (and at the same time screwed any chance I had at winning the Player2 Draft), I think it’s fairly likely that we’ll see a release date for Cuphead with some extended gameplay elements. This game simply looks sensational, if you don’t automatically fall in love with the art then I’m pretty sure you’re one of those terminators from the future and are incapable of emotion.

Wishful thinking

Honestly, I would love to see something … anything to do with the Hololens. Anyone who’s tried these puppies out has only said good things about their experience and I would jump at the chance of seeing where Microsoft are going with these in terms of gaming and media in

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Jenn Christodoulou

Safe Bet

Project Scorpio! Touted as the console that’s going to completely blow away the PS4 Pro, I feel as though Microsoft is resting its laurels on this piece of hardware. Xbox One sales have fallen behind and as such, Microsoft has lost some steam – but this could be just what they need to bring them to the forefront again. What we’ve seen of the console’s performance so far is undoubtedly amazing, and I can’t wait to see what else it’s capable of. Perhaps this will be the console that turns my house into a dual console home again.

Fairly Likely

VR is everywhere these days, with HTC, Oculus, Google, Samsung and Playstation already on the wagon. Microsoft already has the HoloLens, but there are rumours of a new VR headset coming that could bring its experience in augmented reality and virtual reality together. As someone who works within the virtual reality industry, I’m incredibly interested to see what they do on this front.

Wishful Thinking

With Project Scorpio on the horizon, I’m hoping to see some fresh new IPs from Microsoft. Their current line up of games is a bit tired, and I feel that something fresh and new will inject new life into the company (like what Horizon Zero Dawn did for the Playstation!). However, if they announce another set of Halo games I’m going to find the nearest cliff and jump.

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

Matt Hewson

Safe Bet

It’s a pirate’s life for me because I am backing Sea of Thieves to be front and centre on the games side of things. Sea shanties and rum for everyone. Rare’s first proper game since, shit I don’t know Nuts & Bolts maybe, has a lot riding on it. If it fails it is back to the mini-game hell that Rare have been stuck in. Thankfully it is looking pretty tasty and I am backing the Rare comeback all the way.

Fairly Likely

State of Decay 2 news. I am not ashamed to bring up my love for the original State of Decay. It was a buggy, ugly mess but boy-o-boy was it fun. I am super keen to see what the devs can do with a blank cheque from Microsoft, as opposed to the $3.50 and a case of no-name cola they used to make the first game on.

Wishful Thinking

People will think I am weird but Fable. I loved Fable 2 and enjoyed Fable 1 & 3 (I had therapy to forget the other games though) so I would love to see a return to that proper RPG style of gameplay. Obviously with Lionhead no more and Peter Molyneux too busy creating underwhelming mobile games it would need to go to a new developer. Enter Obsidian, one of the few companies around that have both the RPG chops and the sense of humour to dive into the Fable world. Well, one can dream, can’t he?

E3 2017 Predictions - Microsoft

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