What is JRPG July?

What is JRPG July?

This month Player 2 is partaking is a community event called JRPG July, a month of love for those classic titles from the land of the rising sun. But you might be asking yourself how this actually came to be, who was the genius behind such a grand idea. Well, wonder no more.

JRPG July is a part of the 2017 Community Game-along, a wonderful annual event organised by Japanese pop-culture lover Anne Lee, the mind behind the excellent blog Chic Pixel. Anne started this event four years ago to encourage people to step out of their comfort zones and play some games that they might not otherwise. There are 12 different themes, one for each month and July’s theme is JRPG’s.

What is JRPG July?
I’m playing Lost Oddessy for JRPG July. What are you playing?

In honor of this wonderfully engaging idea Player 2 will be taking part by spending the month of July talking about JRPG in various shapes and forms, but we aren’t the only ones doing so. You can check out what Anne is up to and find out more about JRPG July at her site Chic-Pixel.com or follow the #JRPGJuly hashtag on twitter. You are also encouraged to join in on social media with your thoughts on these epic games. Make sure you also follow Anne on Twitter and let her know if you are joining in on the fun.

I am sure you will agree this is a great idea and a wonderful way to build a community and perhaps fall in love with a game you never thought you would.

Matt Hewson


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