The Player 2 Podcast: Episode 28 – PAX Australia 2017

The Player 2 Podcast: Episode 28 – PAX Australia 2017

PAX Australia, a convention of panels, games, cosplay and great people. PAX is something of a religious festival for Player 2. We congregate in large numbers, consume holy wine (or beer, or spirits) and worship at the feet of some of Australia and the world’s finest games devs. This year we managed to snag ourselves the loan of some professional recording gear and a nice quiet corner in a pub nearby so this is the best sounding P2 Podcast ever.

Join Matt, Paul, Stephen and Podcast first-timer Jamie as they regale you with their PAX Australia highlights and what games they are looking forward to in the near future.

The Player 2 Podcast: Episode 28 - PAX Australia 2017

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The Player 2 Podcast: Episode 28 - PAX Australia 2017


Matt “Hand of Fate PR” Hewson

Stephen “Still banging on about Dragons Dogma” del Prado

Paul “David Cage’s No. 1 fan” James

Jamie “I’m too sexy for this suit” Dalzell

The Player 2 Podcast: Episode 28 - PAX Australia 2017

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