The Weekly Wrap – 5th of November 2018

The Weekly Wrap – 5th of November 2018

PAX, PAX, PAX. This week has all been about PAX. The Player 2 crew were at the event in force and have been pumping out the coverage ever since. Previews, videos and Interviews are the order of the day, with Player 2’s pages being flooded with great games from the PAX Show Floor.

But that isn’t all. Stephen reviewed Gal Metal and we had our usual dose of news and videos from the team. So settle in and catch up on what has been a very busy week for the P2 Crew.

PAX AUS 18 - Devil May Cry V
From the PAX AUS 18 Showroom Floor - Devil May Cry V
PAX AUS 18 - Primordials: Fireborn
PAX AUS 18 - Adam's Indie Wrap
From the PAX AUS Showroom Floor - Adam's Indie Wrap
Patched - The Best of PAX
Patched #54 - The Best of PAX AUS With Special Guests!
The P2 Podcast - From the PAX Floor
The Player 2 Podcast - Episode 35: PAX Australia 2018
PAX AUS 18 - Soundfall & Totem Teller
From the PAX AUS 18 Showroom Floor - Soundfall & Totem Teller
ID@Xbox Cracks 1000 Titles
ID@Xbox Cracks 1000 Titles
Interview: Chris Charla - ID@Xbox
Interview: Chris Charla - Director of ID@Xbox
NVIDIA's Impressive New Tech
NVIDIA's Impressive New Technology - More Than Just Buzz Words
P2 Plays - Speed Brawl
Player 2 Plays - Speed Brawl
PAX AUS 18 - Tracy Laser, Necrobarista, Where the Snow Falls
From the PAX AUS 18 Showroom Floor - Necrobarista, Tracey Laser & Where the Snow Settles
Gal Metal - Elite Beat Teenagers
The Insider - PAX AUS Top 10 Games
From the PAX AUS Showroom Floor - Adam's Indie Wrap
P2 Plays - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Player 2 Plays - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
PAX Aus 18 - Adam's AAA Roundup
From the PAX AUS 18 Showroom Floor - Adam's AAA Round-up

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