Jammin’ With Rainbows in the Name of Diversity

Jammin’ With Rainbows in the Name of Diversity

Today kicks off a 2-week game jam to celebrate and promote diverse creators and diverse projects with the goal of exploring LGBT+ themes. The Rainbow Jam is in its 4th year and after the success of previous years the organisational team of Steven Taarland, Hannah Rose and Kirsty Fraser are looking to make it bigger than ever.

The brief for participants in the Rainbow Jam is to encourage the creation of games exploring and celebrating identity, gender, sexuality, sex, life, Intersectionality, being queer, yourself and your community pride, protests and love. The aim is to show that games are for everyone and anyone can create games.

If you would like to keep track of what is happening during the Jam you can follow along on the following social media and other platforms:

DiscordTwitterFacebookitch.ioRainbow Jam Website

I can’t wait to see what comes out of this fantastic initiative and as far as I am concerned, anything that makes gaming a more inclusive place is worthy of our attention.


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