Get Ready For Hell – Diablo IV Goes Gold

Get Ready For Hell - Diablo IV Goes Gold

There is a shade over a month until its release date but Diablo IV has already hit that milestone mark known as “going gold.” Of course, the term means a little less than it did back when day one patches were something the girls at school sewed onto their new pair of Levis, but it still signals the game is feature complete and ready to unleash hell upon millions of players worldwide on June 6th.

In a press release about the milestone, General Manager of Diablo (and former guiding hand for Gears of War) Rod Fergusson had this to say: “Going gold is a landmark milestone for the incredible Diablo IV team, who have all worked so hard crafting the next-generation instalment of this iconic franchise. This is a concrete, meaningful step toward our 6 June launch. Whether players are veterans of the franchise or jumping in for the first time, we can’t wait for everyone to experience the full game: taking part in the incredible storytelling, experimenting with character classes and builds, and exploring what the endgame and the dark world of Sanctuary has to offer.”

So there you have it folks, the seemingly endless wait is almost over and now is the time to get a new mouse (or controller) in preparation for all the attack spamming and potion quaffing that is about to come.

 If you want more on Diablo IV make sure you check out our video preview of the closed beta below. 

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