Helldivers II | Hype Check

Helldivers II | Hype Check

With Arrowhead’s Helldivers II now only a few weeks away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Helldivers II. 

Tim Henderson

The only reason I even remember the original Helldivers is because I can recall Ken talking about it in a PixelCast some years back. It seemed interesting, if not exceptional, and… well… this certainly isn’t a sequel that I saw coming. This was one of the stranger announcements from a mostly disappointing State of Play from Sony last year, but that it got given the pedestal that it was has me at least curious to check it out even if it isn’t my usual jam.

Jason Hawkins

Helldivers is so damn good. Straight up. I didn’t expect to see a sequel, and I sure as hell didn’t see the perspective shift to 3rd person. Regardless, I am very excited for this because I play a lot of squad based games with my group, and this could very much be the next one we add to our repertoire. If this even comes close to the first games fun and weirdness, let alone reinvents it, I am very hype. Please be good, Helldivers II; we need you now more than ever.

Renee O'Flynn

Oh look. A rooty tooty point and shooty. It doesn’t seem to take itself seriously which is a good thing as too many 3rd person shooters are all “if we fall here, the world will be destroyed”. As a four player co-op game it does look like a good time and for some odd reason reminds me of Gears of War on Xbox. It didn’t have the deepest story, but it had one and was fun to boot. I hope it’s a similar case here.

Matt Hewson

I had a lot of fun with the original Helldivers, I do love me a twin-stick shooter. But with the move to the 3rd person, I worry the sequel has lost some of its charm. The other worry I have is there sure have been a lot of co-op online shooters that have failed miserably in recent times, so I worry that Helldivers II is up against it. I hope I am wrong, but I am not sure this is the sort of game that can set the world on fire any more, no matter how good it turns out to be. 

Jess Zammit

Helldivers is very much not for me as a franchise. I gave the first game a wide berth, and it’s likely I’ll do the same for the second. Online, squad-based shooters have never been a particularly comfy or inviting place for me, so I’m happy to give this one a miss. 

Paul James

I adored the original Helldivers. It had a wonderful sense of humour, engaging moment-to-moment gameplay, and did so on a nice indie budget. Now PlayStation is getting involved with Arrowhead, and is committing a lot of money to make Helldivers II a must-play sequel. From top-down to third-person, AAA looks, and crossplay for both the PS5 and PC players, Helldivers II is looking to be every part bigger, better, and more badass, and I’m right here for it.

Time Until Launch (February 8, 2024)


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