Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection | Hype Check

Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection | Hype Check

With Aspyr’s Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection now only days away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection.

Jess Zammit

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Jess

Ehhhhhhh. Star Wars is great, but Battlefront doesn’t interest me now and never really has. I hope these are good for the sake of those that feel nostalgic towards them, but I’ll probably be giving them a hard pass.

Stephen del Prado

These were a solid bit of fun back in the day, but I’m not so sure they’d hold up and have a lot of stiff competition in the current glut of Free-to-play, GAAS titles that expect players to have a slavish devotion to them. My money is on these being pretty solid on the Switch and not doing particularly well anywhere else, but if Aspyr still have the license then it makes sense they want to grab a few bucks while they still can. As with lots of older titles that don’t get much of an overhaul, I’d probably sink an hour or two then watch it slip down my recently played list into total oblivion.  

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Stephen

Jason Hawkins

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Jason

The problem with making classic collections is that a lot of older games are fueled by nostalgia and have design philosophies you might now want to return to. I’m not even a huge Star Wars fan, but as with South Park, if you’re into this, all the more power to you.

Matt Hewson

I don’t see these holding up very well. They were fine in their day, but they will depend entirely on getting a good crowd playing them because the single-player side of things is barebones. It will be nice to see them get some love but hardly games that need a re-release I feel.  

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Matt

Paul James

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Paul

I didn’t play the original Battlefront games back in the day, however the hype about those games was always something that I was aware of. I don’t know that I’m excited for these through the lens of having some kind of revelatory experience with a pair of amazing modern remasters, but I am excited to play them so that I can say that I’ve played them at last.

Rob Caporetto

I never really played the original Battlefronts back in their heyday, so the nostalgia factor’s not really here for me on these. Truth be told, I might be curious depending on what they offer for single player – I’m not really one for multiplayer in my games, so that’s not much of a draw for me.

Star Wars Battlefront Hype Check Rob

How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection? Let us know on our various social channels!

Time Until Launch (March 14, 2024)


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