Unicorn Overlord | Hype Check
With Vanillaware’s Unicorn Overlord now only a few weeks away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Unicorn Overlord.
Renee O’Flynn

VanillaWare and the persona team? Sounds amazing! Except it’s a real time strategy based game which I struggle with immensely. I can barely play Fire Emblem, which is turn based! I think that I’ll have to check out a demo to see if it’s for me or not. Until then, I’m firmly on the fence.

Jess Zammit
Games like this often end up falling by the wayside for me, mostly because I’m not ready for the time commitment it’s surely going to demand. But how could I not be excited for a game called Unicorn Overlord? Based on that alone, I’m going to check out a demo. I’m a simple woman.

Paul James

It took me a long time to fall in love with VanillaWare games, but it was the Vita and Muramasa: The Demon Blade that finally got me. Now I’ve still missed a few of their games, chief among them their most recent work with 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, but I’m not going to be making the same mistake with Unicorn Overlord which looks to be the TRPG for me. The production qualities of the game already have my heart, and my hope is that the gameplay systems can hold up over the game’s duration as well. Not long left!

Jason Hawkins
Vanillaware are awesome. There’s a vibe to their games which is so specific, and I love it. After releasing quite a few bangers on Vita, they had my heart. I love strategy games and this looks to be no exception. It ticks all the boxes for a game that will take up a lot of my time, and it’s scored by Mitsuhiro Kaneda who did a tonne of other Vanillaware stuff. Hells yes.

How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Unicorn Overlord? Let us know on our various social channels!