The Player 2 PixelCast 131
Remember Demo 1? First of all, if you’re too young to remember Demo 1, please grow old very fast and die. Now, for those of us who are starting to find the odd white hair… remember Demo 1? Those demo discs that came with the original PlayStation seemed so special at the time – as did those cover mount discs that sold official tie-in magazines to us for several years! Then demos seemed to mostly go away and die. At least, until fairly recently.
This episode sees Tim joined by a truly rounded crew, with Renee, Sarah, Ken and Rob all jumping in to talk about the re-emergence of the playable demo as a thing that a lot of bigger games seem to be getting on board with again. With this year alone having treated us to tasters of FF7 Rebirth, Unicorn Overlord, Princess Peach, Sand Land, Stellar Blade and PoP: The Lost Crown already, it seems that this more hands-on form of promotion is making a comeback!
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Games: Doronko Wanko, Dragon’s Dogma 2
Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc
Break Music: Memories of a Master by Captain Hogan
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