The Weekly Wrap – 28th of January 2019
The big games are really coming thick and fast at the moment, with quality titles popping up everywhere. But fret not because the P2 team is ready to take them all on, just for you. This week Paul pumped out two reviews, the first was for the fantastic Resident Evil 2 remake, the second for puzzle/racer FutureGrind. Hope was back with another great interview, this time with the developer of PAX Indie Showcase winner Teleblast. We also had the annual drawing of the Player 2 Video Game draft, with our team of writers picking the games that will lead them to glory in the year 2019. But perhaps the biggest news of the week was the first episode of the Player 2 Pixel Cast. This podcast has been around for over 10 years and suddenly found itself without a home, so the P2 crew stepped in and now it is a part of the family.

All of this was joined by our usual helping of news and videos so it was another busy week for the P2 team. You can catch up with everything below while you are getting ready for another great week of Player 2 Action.