Xbox is Handing Out All The Frames
There is no doubt about it, Xbox is kicking all the goals when it comes to backwards compatibility. It is miles ahead of what Sony and Nintendo offer and today it has surged even further ahead by extending its list of classic games that have had their framerates doubled to over 70 titles.
This list includes massive games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Titanfall 2 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, all of which are getting double the framerate to 60 FPS. Games like Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and the Metro Redux titles are being boosted to the even greater amount of 120 FPS (if your screen can handle it.) For those unsure of what this all means, essentially these classic titles will feel and run a whole lot smoother next time you boot them up on a Series X or S. You can check out the full list here:
In other Xbox news today, May’s Gamepass additions were announced. Some big hitters like Dragon Quest Builders 2 and FIFA 21 along with some classics like Outlast 2 and Psychonauts made the grade. In all, another great month for the best value proposition in gaming today. Check out the graphic below for the full list.