Make The Third Street Saints Your Own

Make The Third Street Saints Your Own

With their latest showcase and trailer for the Saints Row reboot, Volition is truly living up to the expression “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.” Focused on all the customisation options present in the final game, the showcase shows the ridiculous levels players can go to to make Saints Row their own. Everything from your character to your cars to your gang to your base can be personalised to an insane level. It is seriously mind-boggling, it really is. 

If that trailer isn’t enough to get excited about the customisation options, frankly I am not sure what is wrong with you. It is mindblowing just how much can be tailored, modded, painted and changed. The trailer should also put to bed the “This isn’t a Saints Row game” arguments from some corners of the web, the absurdity of the Third Street Saints is alive and well. You can watch the full showcase and check out some new screenshots below, but if you are like me it won’t be enough to get you through to the release of the game in August. This dark old world needs the (purple) light of the Saints and it can’t come soon enough. 

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