Another Code: Recollection | Hype Check

Another Code: Recollection | Hype Check

With Another Code: Recollection now only a few weeks away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Another Code Recollection.

Paul James

I have no real context for this one. I know it might be judging a book by its cover a bit, but the naming convention is an instant put off, making the “mysteries and visions of the past” a little less intriguing to me. I apologise for the pettiness, but in a gaming landscape filled with riveting plots, and engaging casts of characters, trailers that don’t on board players with no prior experience with the IP, paired with awkward titles can be a significant put-off. I’m not into this one.

Renee O'Flynn

I enjoyed the original game on the DS and it will be interesting to see how the story and puzzles will have changed with the new release. The original used everything on the original DS from the microphone to the ability to put the console into sleep mode simply by closing it. It’s story was fantastic and if love to see the games get the recognition they deserve

Jason Hawkins

Another one that kind of blindsided me. Didn’t know this was coming but I am happy it is. Trace Memory was awesome on DS but it was so long ago I barely remember anything about it. Under that logic, I’ll be glad to replay this and especially play the sequel which I didn’t play because it slipped through the glut of Wii games that were just rubbish and didn’t allow of a lot of amazing games to float to the surface. Now’s the time for this game to shine. Hype.

Jess Zammit

I never got a chance to check out Trace Memory on DS, but it was one of those games I always heard amazing things about – I just never came across a copy. So the news that it’s being re-released and enhanced to look, quite frankly, gorgeous, is music to my ears. I will never say no to a mystery adventure, especially not one that looks this good. Now if Cing could only do the same with Hotel Dusk, then I’d be thrilled. But for now, I’m keen to finally get to play the game that has eluded me all these years.

How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Another Code: Recollection? Let us know on our various social channels!

Time Until Launch (January 19, 2024)


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