Games to Watch 2024 – Open World

Games to Watch 2024 - Open World

It’s time again to peer into the future, all so I can highlight games that I think are worth watching. It is worth noting two things, the first is that this list is for announced games only and the second is due to the nature of classifying genres these days, I have placed the games where I feel they fit best so don’t shoot me if your most anticipated game isn’t here, it may be in another list. With that in mind, let’s get to the games. Now it is time to get lost in the wide expanses of 2024’s open world experiences. 

Another game that has been through hell and back to get a release, Skull & Bones is finally within sight of its launch and somewhat to my surprise, it is showing some promise.

I played the six-hour beta recently and had quite a good time with it, the combat was a blast and it is a stunning world to explore. My main concern however was the lack of variety in missions. This makes me worry that the joy will wear off quickly and the monotony of repetition will set in. 

I also have concerns about the season pass and monetisation, but to be fair, that is always a concern in this type of game. All that said the base of the game is super solid and if Ubi can address those concerns, they could have themselves a surprise hit when Skull & Bones finally sets sail. 

You can preorder Skull & Bones here:

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is another game that is trending towards being a “soulslike” but has recognised that it is also ok to have difficulty levels for those that aren’t necessarily up to the challenge most games in the genre offer. 

That is fine by me and if the combat feels as good as it looks in the trailer I think it will be fine by everyone who decides to dive in. Flintlock also promises a detailed open world to explore and a mix of melee and ranged combat that puts me in the mind of the blaster stance from Jedi Survivor. 

In all, I love the fact that games are expanding on the formula set down by From Software and taking it in their own direction and Flinlock seems to be doing exactly that. I can’t wait to jump in when it hits our systems in Q3 this year. 

Star Wars: Outlaws

After a positive showing at Not-E3 last year, Star Wars Outlaws has fans of a Galaxy Far Far Away hyped to dive into the universe and experience it from a different point of view. Instead of taking control of a power Jedi, players will step into the role of Kay Vess, a thoroughly shady type who makes a living smuggling on the fringes of the galaxy. 

For me, a long-time Star Wars fan this has me more excited than anything else that is coming to the franchise. We have done Jedi, Bounty Hunters and Mandalorians to death, it is time to go back to the Han Solo types and Outlaws aims to do exactly that. 

Add to this a range of planets to explore and what will hopefully be an engaging tale and I am sold. It may just turn out to be Far Cry Star Wars in a lot of ways, but I am happy with that, as long as I feel immersed in the glory that is Star Wars. 


Developed by a group of ex-Bioware devs, Nightingale is bringing those well-honed RPG sensibilities to an open-world survival title. The game promises both solo and co-op play and gives the goal of surviving and thriving in various fantasy realms by building, crafting and fighting your way to safety.

Frankly, the game looks stunning and has an almost steampunk aesthetic that really lends a unique feel to proceedings. The developers behind it are all super talented so Nightingale really has a lot going for it. 

The worry I have is the same one I have for all survival games. Will the crafting and resource collecting be enjoyable or just feel like a chore? Only time will tell on that score, but hopefully, the devs find the perfect balance between entertainment and busy work when the game drops in Feb. 

Rise of the Ronin

It makes sense that Team Ninja would be the ones to follow From Software’s Elden Ring into the open world, after all, they have been super successful by following them in the past while still putting their own spin on things.

That looks set to continue with Rise of Ronin, which instead of a wild and dark fantasy realm, will be based in feudal Japan, a setting Team Ninja clearly has a soft spot for. Players can expect punishing combat, challenging boss fights and a stunning open world to explore. 

I don’t know how this new open world will hold up when compared to Elden Ring, but Team Ninja has a great track record so there is no reason to think that Rise of the Ronin won’t be a great game, it just probably won’t be a game for everyone. 

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