Top Spin 2K25 | Hype Check
With 2K’s Top Spin 2K25 now only a few days away, we wanted to touch base with some of our team to see how they’re feeling about the game. We’ve seen a range of media up to this point, from gameplay showcases and trailers, we’ve seen the press releases, and heard the talk, but how are we feeling? That’s where we’re bringing Hype Check into the mix; to get a gauge on what the prospective players are thinking. So here’s how we’re feeling about Top Spin 2K25.
Matt Hewson

God, it has been a long time between drinks for tennis fans. There has been an absolute drought of high-quality games and it feels like Top Spin 4 was the last great title all the way back on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Well, the good news is Top Spin is back and I have played it. It is not the best-looking game getting around, but it feels like the gameplay is bang on. If they can get the career mode right, I feel like this will be the game to break the drought for Tennis fans everywhere.

Shaun Nicholls
Man, it has been a long time since I played Top Spin. While I am not the sort of person who would usually pick up a sports game, let alone one based on Tennis, Top Spin was one of the games included with my OG Xbox. After spending my money on the console I was left with very little to buy extra games so I fired it up and was pleasantly surprised. I spent a lot of hours in its career mode and am starting to get the itch to try my hand at a sporting game again. Maybe Top Spin 252K will be the one to bring me back to the genre.

Paul James

I never had Top Spin at home as a kid, but I did have some family that owned it, and I happily put up with the clunky OG Xbox Duke controller to play the game, because it was so much fun! Now I’m pretty excited to see Top Spin return to relevance, and while i’m a little hesitant based upon 2K’s predatory VC systems, I’m willing to give 2K25 a try at least. Hopefully its the forehand winner that it ought to be.

Jason Hawkins
I’m trying to think of the last real sports game I played. It might’ve ET’s Rugby League on the Amiga 500. I’m not the market here and I’ve said it before, that’s totally ok. There’s so many games that everyone has their own little corner they can carve out and be happy. Some people love yearly COD, Madden, or whatever the flavour of the month game is. Everyone has a place to be happy. This being said, I don’t know the rules of tennis.

Ken Lee

I just want a really good tennis game that elicits positive memories of Virtua Tennis. I want a tennis game that walks the fine line balancing between serious simulation and amusing arcade fun. Will Top Spin 2K15 be that game? One can only live in eternal hope.

How are you feeling about the rapidly impending launch of Top Spin 2K25!? Let us know on our various social channels!
Time Until Launch (April 25, 2024)

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