The Player 2 PixelCast 007

The Player 2 PixelCast 007

It is amazing what can happen between recording a podcast and releasing it. Take this episode for instance. The crew consisting of host Tim, Matt, Hope and Ken got together to look into the future and talk about what the next-gen of gaming will look like and not 24 hours later, Sony ruins all our speculations by releasing a tonne of info. I mean they couldn’t even wait a day before proving us wrong.

But that’s not all, in the games played section of the program Matt had two options for discussion, Tropico 6 or Katana Zero. Of course, he went with Tropico and not what is going to be perhaps the most talked about title in the Australian gaming scene for the week. Good call right?

So instead you get a podcast where our finger is nowhere near the pulse and we have already been proven incorrect. But hey we had a laugh and we hope you will too.

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The Player 2 PixelCast 007

Games: Weedcraft Inc, Tropico 6

Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc)

Break Music: Coming On (By PixelHunt godfather, Dylan Burns)

The Player 2 PixelCast 007


Tim “Go with Tropico” Henderson

Matt “Went with Tropico” Hewson

Ken “Never played Tropico” Lee

Hope “Chocolate is really bad for dogs ok” Corrigan

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