The Most Anticipated Indies of 2018

We are back for another year of Player 2 and what better way to start 2018 than to look ahead at what will be gracing our consoles and PC’s in the coming 12 months. With this in mind Player 2 Editor, Matt Hewson has put together a list of anticipated titles for each major genre of game, sticking with games that are likely to get released this year. It is now time for the little guys to shine. Let’s look at the indies coming our way. 

The Most Anticipated Indies of 2018

Super Meat Boy Forever

The first Super Meat Boy was a masterclass in platforming. It was insanely difficult, yet still managed to keep players coming back for more and more. The sequel looks to continue that trend and the fact it is coming to the Switch only makes it all the more exciting. This sort of game seems perfectly suited to Nintendo’s hybrid console, with short intense bursts the best way to enjoy the game. There is no firm release date for Super Meat Boy Forever apart from “2018” but I think this one will get released around the middle of the year.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

The first Ori was a stunning and challenging Metroidvania title for Xbox and PC that earned a legion of fans when it was released in 2016. Will of the Wisps is following that same path to greatness because frankly, I can’t think of a platforming game that has a more stunning art style. It looks gorgeous and if the first game is any indication than the gameplay will match the looks. Expect Will of the Wisps in the final quarter of 2018

A Way Out

Forget the world-class crazy speech from the fellow that is in charge of the game and have a look at what A Way Out is offering. The only way to play the game is in co-op, with couch co-op being preferred. This may make finding a game hard for some but there is no doubt that it will offer a unique experience. Two different main characters, with two different sets of skills, setting out to achieve one goal, escape from prison. It is going to be captivating to see how it plays out when the game is released on the 23rd of March.

The Gardens Between

Developed by Aussie crew The Voxel Agents, The Gardens Between is a gorgeous puzzler that is coming to both PC and PS4 this year. It has already won numerous awards at trade shows around the globe and its time-traveling gameplay has pretty much captivated everyone who has played it (including myself.) This is a game that will make a big splash when it hits in quarter 3 and the general public finally gets their hands on it. Get excited about this one folks.

Guacamelee 2

Metroidvania is a genre that has almost been done to death in recent times. It is amazing however that an undead luchador journeying through a colourful and comedic Mexico can reignite my passion for the genre. Honestly, what is not to love about Guacamelee 2. More great platforming, more great jokes and more wonderful art design. A little fine tuning on the platforming puzzles is all the developers need to do to make the very good first game into an amazing sequel. I can’t wait to suplex my way through the Mexican undead when the game is released in the latter part of the year.


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