Player 2 Plays – I Hate Running Backwards
What do you get when you cross Serious Sam, Lou Wang, a host of other Devolver Digital characters and an art style reminiscent of Minecraft. Well, you get the imaginatively titled I Hate Running Backwards, a game in which you… run backwards. Of course with Serious Sam in tow, you do a whole lot of shooting too. Join Matt as he shows you round this great little time waster in the latest Player 2 Plays.
Stay tuned for more “Player 2 Plays” soon and if you have any suggestions for what the Player 2 crew should play, don’t be shy and let us know! Also, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more great original content and every new game trailer we can get our hands on. If you want to get your eyes on these videos before everyone else, you can become a Player 2 Crew Member at our Patreon Page!