Indie Devs Set Out to Play Fare
This weekend, the indie space in Sydney is heating up thanks to the Play Fare, a new games exhibition being put on by 107 Projects and Moutain Goat Beer. the aim of the day is to showcase locally made games for other developers and the general public and will be held at 107 Redfern Street, Redfern on the 2nd of March.
The day will feature interactive demonstrations, industry talks, live music, and an exhibition of gaming art. Over 20 locally developed Console, board, card and role-playing games will be on display along with a selection of free-to-play classic arcade titles. Throughout the day there will be opportunities to meet and chat with the developers and even buy some of the games on display.
What is even better, as this exhibition was born out of Moutain Goat’s range of game-inspired beers, there will be a selection of tasty amber ales and lovely lagers from the Mountain Goat crew to taste and enjoy if you are that way inclined. So make sure you schedule this into your weekend plans if you are nearby and check out this great initiative. Entry is free so don’t be shy and who knows, you may just discover your next gaming obsession.
You can read the full timetable here: