Melbourne International Games Week Gets Steamed
The big week of all things games development that is Melbourne International Games Week has been going from strength to strength in recent years and that trend looks like it is continuing in 2021. Not letting something as small as an international pandemic get in its way, the Melbourne International Games Week is making its debut on the world stage thanks to Valve’s megastore, Steam.
The MIGW Steam Festival will include 16 different presentations that showcase Victorian and Australian talent on the world stage. Highlights include:
- Games Made in Victoria featuring Completely Stretchy and Uncomfortably Sticky, Dap, Kardboard Kings, Conscript, JUSTICE SUCKS: Recharged, Spies & Soldiers and Wayward Strand
- Developing JUSTICE SUCKS: Recharged, an exclusive panel with Cyrian Guillaume, Mitchell Pasmans, Nicholas McDonnell and Winston Tang
- The Music of ‘Knuckle Sandwich’ and Songs from ‘Video World’ concerts, performances by beardy and Monster Mansion
- NEXT in (Video Game) Fashion panel with Benjamin Ee, Izzy Gramp, Jenny Windom and Joel Davison
- Every Game in This City: From Escape Rooms to Esports with Alexandra Lee, Chad Toprak, Goldie Bartlett, Harry Shang Lun Lee, Patrick LeMieux, Stephanie Boluk, Will Partin, Yang Jing Allison
The festival will also include discounts, demos and spotlights on Victorian developers and their games along with a MIGW Steam Festival Supporter pack, which includes the Armello, Paperbark, Hot Brass, Frog Detective and Feather.
The MIGW Steam Festival kicks off at the eye-wateringly early time of 3am Friday the 1st of October through to 4am Tuesday the 5th. You can get more info on all things MIGW right here: