The Weekly Wrap – 29th January 2018
The week just past was the beginning of our YouTube blitz. As you all know we need to get 1000 subscribers to be eligible to earn money from YouTube so in an attempt to get that number we have been getting up brand new videos every day. You should totally check them out (and subscribe while you are there). But those videos haven’t slowed down the written element of P2 in the slightest. We had Sarah take a look at Legrand Legacy, Matt thought about which games from the Xbox back catalogue need a new entry, Paul reviewed AO Tennis and Stephen gave his thoughts on the Dragon Ball FighterZ beta. Of course, that was joined by a healthy dose of news just to top things off.
So start your Monday in the right way, by catching up on a week’s worth of Player 2 and strap in for 7 more days of P2 gaming goodies.